Employment Opportunities

To search current job postings or to complete an easy online application, please visit VirginiaJobs.  You can also go directly to DEQ's employment opportunities. You may also wish to review the summary of employment benefits for Virginia state employees, or read the online employment system tutorial.

As an added convenience, you can now copy-and-paste much of the information requested in our Web-based application from an electronic version of your paper application.  VirginiaJobs also has other features that will improve your application experience -- it allows you to track your progress in the hiring process, see the status of the position for which you have applied, and update your application online.  You can even access the system at any time (24 hours a day, 7 days a week) from any Internet connection.

If you need individual assistance with the application process or if you have other questions, please view the Employment FAQs (below) or contact the HR representative as indicated on the job announcement. We will be glad to help you!

The Virginia Department of Environmental Quality is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

Employment FAQs

Where do I begin?

To begin the application process, please select a user name and password that you will easily remember. You should write down your user name and password. You will need it to apply for other positions or check the status of your application the next time you visit the site.

How do I create an application?

Go to VirginiaJobs and click on the "create application" link on the left hand side of the screen.

What do I do if I forget my password?

At the log-in screen, select the "I forgot my password" link. This will prompt you for your secret question and answer to get your password back. If you cannot remember your secret question and answer, contact agency human resources at the designated phone number.

How can I check the status of my application?

When you log-in to VirginiaJobs, on the far right there will be a "status" column. This column will read "application received", "in progress", or "filled". This is the best way you get updated information.

What if I have already created an application?

If you have already created an application with this online employment system, and wish to update your information, just log in with the user name and password that you used when you created your application.

What if I am not ready to fill out the application at this time?

If you do not want to complete the application at this time, please click "CANCEL" at the bottom of the page.

Do I have to fill out an application?

Everyone who applies for a position is required to create an application which includes certain information. Any required information is denoted with an asterisk (*). However, the more information you provide, the easier it will be to effectively evaluate your qualifications, skills, and abilities.

What if I want to submit a resume?

You will be able to submit a resume each time you apply for a position. There will be directions that prompt you to attach your resume. Please note that attaching a resume does not substitute for completing the application form.

How do I save my application?

You must click "SAVE AND CONTINUE TO NEXT" or "SAVE AND STAY ON THIS PAGE" to save the information you have entered. If you close your browser prior to clicking "SAVE AND CONTINUE TO NEXT" or "SAVE AND STAY ON THIS PAGE," your application and account will be saved, but you will lose the information on the last page that was not saved.

Can I copy selected information from another electronic document?

Yes, for example, you can copy and paste the information from a Word or WordPerfect document directly into the appropriate fields in the application form.

My document was created on a Mac, what do I need to do?

If you need assistance with converting files from Mac to PC, please review this guide, created by the National Teacher Training Institute.

Can I mail or fax a paper copy of the application form?

DEQ no longer accepts faxed or mailed applications (effective September 1, 2006).


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Virginia Department of
Environmental Quality
629 East Main Street
P.O. Box 1105
Richmond, VA 23218

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