Laws and Regulations


Virginia's environmental laws are available on the General Assembly's Legislative Information System website. The Laws page provides a list of links for information on the LIS website. 


DEQ develops regulations for approval by Virginia's citizen regulatory boards that cover a wide variety of air, water and land protection issues. Regulations are intended to to implement specific efforts directed by the Commonwealth's environmental laws. The adoption, change or repeal of any regulation usually is conducted in accordance with the Virginia Administrative Process Act and with the agency's public participation guidelines.

Citizen Boards

Three regulatory boards – the Air Pollution Control Board, the State Water Control Board and the Waste Management Board – composed of Virginia citizens appointed by the Governor, are responsible for adopting many of Virginia's environmental regulations.  DEQ administers the regulations as approved by the boards.

Developing Regulations

The regulatory adoption process, which can take more than a year to complete, includes several steps. In most cases, these steps are required under the Administrative Process Act.

Reports to the General Assembly

At the request of the General Assembly, DEQ frequently produces reports that cover specific environmental topics. These reports are listed by the year they were submitted.

Featured Topics

Need help finding regulations? Use this guide to help search for laws and regulations on the Legislative Information System.

Interested in regulatory actions? Go to Virginia Regulatory Town Hall to find and view regulatory information, track and comment on proposed changes, and view regulatory meeting information.

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Virginia Department of
Environmental Quality
629 East Main Street
P.O. Box 1105
Richmond, VA 23218

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