Virginia CZM Program Funds and Projects

Virginia CZM Program LogoWhat funding does the Virginia CZM Program receive?

Virginia receives 100% of its funding under the federal Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972, as amended (CZMA).

Virginia is awarded funds based on the size of its coastal population and the length of its tidal shoreline.  Virginia currently receives about $3 million annually from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Office of Ocean and Coastal Resources Management (OCRM)

NOAA's Biennial Report to Congress on Administrative Progress of Coastal Zone Management 2006-2007 

NOAA OCRM Coastal Zone Management Act Funding Page

Since the program began in 1986, Virginia has received just under $61 million dollars in federal CZMA funds, matched by just under $52 million in state and local funds.  Virginia's coastal population has increased by about 1.5 million people. 

 Chart comparing Virginia's population growth to its CZMA funding level

Notes on Chart (at right):
*Federal funds adjusted for inflation from 1986 based on the Consumer Price Index from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

**1986 Coastal Population based on estimates from the Weldon Cooper Center for Public Service at the University of Virginia; 2010 Coastal Population based on U.S. Census.  

How does the Virginia CZM Program allocate this funding to its partners?

Virginia CZM Program Office staff at the Department of Environmental Quality (lead coordinating agency for Virginia's networked CZM program) administer the program's annual grant award to state agencies, PDCs and local governments for implementation of the Virginia CZM Program. 

Each spring, staff works with the Coastal Policy Team to prepare an annual grant application which is submitted by DEQ to NOAA for approval.  This application outlines the state projects the Virginia CZM Program will fund with its annual allocation. If approved, projects begin in October of that year and run through September 30 the following year. For more on the grant application process and grantee resources go to the Grantee Resources and Information web page.

Financial assistance grants under the CZMA

The federal Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA) has numerous sections, each with specific objectives.  Funding to carry out these objectives must be appropriated from Congress each year. Not all sections of the CZMA receive federal appropriations every year or they may receive reduced funding

Financial assistance under Sections 306, 306A, 308, 309, and 310 of the CZMA provides Virginia with the means to maintain the Commonwealth's coastal zone management program and to carry out the Virginia CZM Program's goals of effective protection and careful development of Virginia's coastal areas.

  • Implementation of the Virginia CZM
    • Funded Under CZMA Section 306 ---- Funding for the implementation of Virginia's Coastal Program. Section 306 funding must be matched 1:1 by nonfederal fund sources.
  • Acquisition and Construction Projects
    • Funded Under CZMA Section 306A ---- Funding for the acquisition of fee simple and other interests (e.g. easements) in land, low-cost construction projects (e.g. public access improvements) or habitat restoration projects. Additional documentation is required from NOAA before 306A projects can be approved. Section 306A funding must be matched 1:1 by nonfederal fund sources.
  • Creation of New Enforceable Coastal Policies
    • Funded Under CZMA Section 309 ---- Funding for coastal zone enhancement projects which propose creation  of new enforceable policies* in any of nine identified areas: wetlands, coastal hazards, public access, marine debris, cumulative and secondary impacts, special area management plans, ocean resources, energy and government facility siting and aquaculture. Section 309 funding is match-free. 
      (* any new enforceable policies proposed through projects funded under Section 309 stil need to be officially incorporated into the Virginia CZM Program through a public review process, and final approval of the "Program Change" must be granted by NOAA.  Go to Program Changes for more information.) 
  • Implementation of the Virginia Coastal Nonpoint Source Pollution Program

What projects have been funded by the Virginia CZM Program?

Every six months, the Virginia CZM Program submits a grant progress report to NOAA on all active projects, based on information provided by its grantees. The Virginia CZM Program may have more than one grant year open and be reporting to NOAA on two or more grant years. Recent reports are available below under the corresponding grant year:

FY 2005 - FY 2011 Virginia CZM Program Grant Projects - Project lists provided below include links to a detailed description of each grant project, including final project summary and products produced.

FY 1997 - FY 2004 Virginia CZM Program Grant Projects - Projects lists are available below.  For more information on the scopes of work, project results and products for projects funded in these grant years, please contact April Bahen in the Virginia CZM Program Office:

  • FY 2004 Virginia CZM Grant Project List [temporarily unavailable]
  • FY 2003 Virginia CZM Grant Project List [temporarily unavailable]
  • FY 2002 Virginia CZM Grant Project List [temporarily unavailable]
  • FY 2001 Virginia CZM Grant Project List [temporarily unavailable]
  • FY 2000 Virginia CZM Grant Project List [temporarily unavailable]
  • FY 1999 Virginia CZM Grant Project List [temporarily unavailable]
  • FY 1998 Virginia CZM Grant Project List [temporarily unavailable]
  • FY 1997 Virginia CZM Grant Project List [temporarily unavailable]

FY 1992 - FY 1996 Virginia CZM Program Grant Projects - Project lists and summaries of results and final products for these projects can be found in an on-line Virginia Coastal Program Projects Catalogue (pdf).  

Reprogrammed grant funds may be available through the year on a limited basis. Please contact Laura McKay at (804) 698-4323, Shep Moon at (804) 698-4527, or Beth Polak at (804) 698-4260 for more information about the availability or allocation of these funds.


In FY1999, the Virginia CZM Program decided that focusing on a resource or special geographic region for a three-year period enables the program to more effectively concentrate its financial and policy efforts. The goal is to "kick-start" a long-term, self-sustaining program or movement.

Current Focal Area

Previous Focal Areas

FY2008 - FY2010: Sustainable Coastal Communities: Climate Change Adaptation and Blue/Green Infrastructure Mapping and Planning --- Focal area grants were awarded to state agencies and coastal PDCs to help coastal localities plan for adaptation to climate change or protect blue and green infrastructure. Blue or green infrastructure comprises those natural features on the land (e.g. forests, wildlife habitat, wetlands, etc.) or in the water (e.g. anadromous fish use areas, oyster reefs, underwater grass beds, etc.) that are critical to maintaining ecosystem and human health and survival. Please contact Shep Moon at (804) 698-4527, or Beth Polak at (804) 698-4260 for more information about this focal area.

FY1999 - FY2001: Virginia Oyster Heritage Program

FY2002 - FY2007: Virginia Seaside Heritage Program

 NOAA Logo 

For comments or questions concerning this program's web pages, contact Virginia Witmer.

This website is provided by the Virginia Coastal Zone Management Program through a federal Coastal Zone Management Act grant from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, US Department of Commerce.

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