Virginia Pollution Abatement Permit Program

The treatment of sewage sludge, storage and land application of biosolids, industrial wastes (sludge and wastewater), municipal wastewater, and animal wastes (manure/litter from livestock and poultry) are regulated activities in the Commonwealth of Virginia.  A Virginia Pollution Abatement (VPA) permit may be issued by DEQ whenever an owner handles waste and wastewater in a manner that does not involve discharging to a sewage treatment work, or to state waters pursuant to a valid Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (VPDES) permit.  In general, land application of biosolids, industrial sludge or spray irrigation of industrial and municipal wastewater is covered by a VPA individual permit.

Animal Feeding Operations (AFOs) are covered by a VPA individual or general permit.  A separate VPA general permit covers confined poultry feeding operations for poultry waste management. VPDES permits may be required for some Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs).

Welcome to the Virginia Pollution Abatement Permit Program

Featured Topics

7/1/2013 - Final Biosolids Regulations - The final regulations pertaining to biosolids have been signed by the Governor and are scheduled for publication in the Virginia Register on July 29, 2013.  The regulations are tentatively scheduled to become effective September 1, 2013.  Track the progress on the Virginia Regulatory Town Hall.   

7/1/2013 - Biosolids Continuing Education Course - This course will be held in the Lynchburg DEQ Office on July 18, 2013 for certified land applicators to earn the credit hours required to maintain their certification.  Registration is encouraged.  Walk-ins are welcome.  There is no charge for the class.  See the Biosolids Land Appliers and Local Monitors webpage for full details.

9/20/12 New Landowner Agreement Form: A new landowner agreement form has been added to the VPA permit application form.  Part D-VI Land Application Agreement (Rev 9/14/2012) replaces the previous form included with the permit application.  The form takes effect immediately.  Any landowner agreement submitted to DEQ that is signed after 10/19/2012 must be on the Rev 9/14/2012 Land Application Agreement form.

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Virginia Department of
Environmental Quality
629 East Main Street
P.O. Box 1105
Richmond, VA 23218

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