Coastal Issues & Virginia CZM Initiatives



Protecting and Mapping Virginia's Ocean Resources and Uses

Virginia CZM is working with the CZM programs of Maryland, Delaware, New Jersey and New York to coordinate measures to protect the region's ocean resources. 

Go to Virginia CZM Program Ocean Planning Issue page.

marine debris - plastic bag

Reducing Virginia Marine Debris

Virginia CZM sponsored a Virginia Marine Debris Summit in February 2013 (presentations downloadable), and is working with its partners to develop a Virginia Marine Debris Management Plan. 

Go to the Virginia CZM Program Marine Debris Issue page.

living shoreline

Protecting Shoreline Integrity

Virginia CZM helps protect the ecological integrity and stability of Virginia's shorelines through guidance on shoreline management for localities, local shoreline management studies and plans. 

Go to Virginia CZM Program Shoreline Management Issues page.

In partnership with VIMS, Virginia CZM has helped develop "Living Shorelines" design guidelines, training for contractors and local officials, and an improved website to help meet an increasing demand for this natural alternative to shoreline hardening.

Living Shorelines Initiative Successes Fact Sheet - June 2012 (pdf)

Dragon Run aerial

Protecting Blue and Green Infrastructure

Virginia CZM is leading an effort to map Virginia's land- and water-based resources and provide citizens and resource managers a comprehensive and user-friendly online portal to this information - Virginia Coastal Geospatial and Educational Mapping System (GEMS), including an assessment to rank terrestrial and aquatic areas for their ecological value - Coastal Virginia Ecological Value Assessment (VEVA). 

Go to Virginia CZM Program Blue and Green Infrastructure Issue page

Coastal GEMS Successes Fact Sheet - June 2012 (pdf)

Coastal VEVA Fact Sheet - June 2012 (pdf)

Cape Charles

Managing Special Coastal Places

Virginia CZM is using a Special Area Management Planning approach in some of Virginia's most unique geographic areas, including the Dragon Run watershed and on Virginia's Eastern Shore. 

Go to Virginia CZM Program Special Area Managment Planning page.

Virginia Seaside Heritage Program (2002 - 2009)

Virginia Seaside Accomplishments Report - June 2013 (with funding chart) (pdf)

Mather Gorge

Middle Peninsula Public Access Authority Signage on Browne Tract

Magothy Bay NAP

Conserving Sensitive Coastal Lands

Virginia CZM is using a variety of tools to protect sensitive coastal habitat. 

CZMA Funding
Since 1991, Virginia CZM Program funds have been used to acquire over 2,323 acres.

CELCP Funding
Since 2002, the Virginia CZM Program has received about $8 million in federal CELCP Funds from NOAA to conserve over 300 acres of prime natural area. 

Public Access Authorities
In 2002, the Virginia General Assembly approved the first regional public access authority in the Middle Peninsula and one quickly followed in the Northern Neck.  With support from the Virginia CZM Program, this PAA is helping meet the Governor's goal.

Land Conservation Partnership Agreements - The Southern Tip Partnership and Land Conservation of Virginia's Eastern Shore
Acquiring and managing lands on a large scale is much easier with partners.  A formal partnership such as the "Southern Tip" MOU on Virginia's Eastern Shore is a great example.

Mapping Important Areas
The Virginia CZM Program is prioritizing which lands we deem important for maintaining the health of our coastal ecosystems.  Where are Virginia's most important land and water resources? 
Go to Coastal GEMS - Geospatial Data... 

Village of Oyster during Hurricane

Adapting to Climate Change

Virginia CZM is focusing some of its funding on projects that will help its coastal localities adapt to the effects of climate change. 

Go to Virginia CZM Program Climate Change Issue page.


Enhancing Public Access

Increasing ecotourism opportunities is a key goal of the Virginia CZM Program, including development of the Virginia Seaside Water Trail.

 Plant ES Natives Banner

Increasing Use of Virginia Native Plants

Virginia CZM Program is working with a variety of partners to increase the use of Virginia's native plants, including regional campaigns on the Eastern Shore, the Northern Neck, and in Northern Virginia.

Plant ES Natives Social Marketing Campaign


Seacil the Seahorse at the Smithsoian Folklife Festival

Applying Effective Communication, Education and Social Marketing

Virginia Coastal Zone Management Magazine Index

Virginia CZM Program Publications Page

Social Marketing Successes Fact Sheet - June 2012 (pdf)

oysters in float

Restoring Virginia's Native Oyster

Educating Virginia's citizens about the benefits of oysters, oyster reefs, and oyster gardening continues to be a goal of the Virginia CZM Program.  Virginia CZM staff is currently working with its partners to revise the Virginia Oyster Gardening Guide, which will be released this summer 2013. 

Go to Virginia CZM Program Oyster Restoration and Education page.

Oyster Restoration Successes Fact Sheet - June 2012 (pdf)

Virginia Seaside Accomplishments Report - June 2013 (with funding chart) (pdf) --- includes details on oyster and scallop restoration efforts on the Seasdie of Virginia's Eastern Shore

Restoring Eelgrass Habitat

Restoring seagrass beds, a critical coastal habitat has been a priority for the Virginia CZM on Virginia's seaside.

Go to Eelgrass Restoration and Education page.

Eelgrass Restoration Successes (under Virginia Seaside Heritage Program) Fact Sheet - June 2012 (pdf)

Virginia Seaside Accomplishments Report - June 2013 (with funding chart) (pdf) --- includes details on eelgrass restoration efforts on the Seaside of Virginia's Eastern Shore  


 NOAA Logo 

For comments or questions concerning this program's web pages, contact Virginia Witmer.

This website is provided by the Virginia Coastal Zone Management Program through a federal Coastal Zone Management Act grant from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, US Department of Commerce.

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