Resources & Links

  • Animal feeding operations - permitting and inspections program for livestock and poultry animal feeding operations (AFOs) and concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs).
  • Biosolids - permitting and inspection program for the land application of biosolids (treated sewage sludge) for use as fertilizer.
  • Chesapeake Bay Program - a cooperative program focused on monitoring and reducing the level of pollution in the Chesapeake Bay.
  • Clean Water Financing & Assistance Program (formerly the Construction Assistance Program) - promoting cleanup and pollution reduction efforts through low-interest loans and other financial support.
  • Storm Water Best Management Practices Course - This interactive course will take about 25 minutes to complete and will provide participants with an overview of storm water best management practices along with Virginia’s regulatory requirements relative to water quality mitigation.  If you have any comments on the course please contact Bob Ehrhart.  If you have any comments or questions on VPDES storm water permitting or regulations, please contact Burt Tuxford.
  • Total maximum daily loads (TMDLs) - developing specific pollutant standards for Virginia's impaired waters, to help guide pollution reduction efforts in those areas.
  • Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (VPDES) - permitting program for point source water discharges, including stormwater runoff, sewage treatment, car washes, and other potential sources of polluted water discharges.
  • Water Quality Assessment Database GIS Application - a relational database application provided by EPA for tracking water quality assessment data, including use attainment, causes and sources of impairment.
  • Wastewater engineering - permitting program to ensure proper construction of water treatment plants and other wastewater facilities.
  • Water guidance - documents that guide the activities of DEQ, permitted facilities, and members of the public on water-quality related issues.
  • Water monitoring - sampling and chemical analysis of Virginia's waters, citizen coordination and support efforts, tracking of pollutants that accumulate in fish tissue and other aquatic life, and in aquatic sediments.
  • Water quality assessments - analyzing Virginia water quality monitoring data to determine areas of particular concern among Virginia's waters.
  • Water quality standards - developing and maintaining specific standards for pollutant levels in Virginia's waters.
  • Water regulations - the various federal and state regulations that govern and empower DEQ's water quality-related activities.
  • Water supply planning  - a group of planning and permitting programs to help conserve, manage, and assess Virginia's water supply.
  • Water reuse - permitting program for the reclamation of municipal and industrial wastewater and reuse of the reclaimed water.
  • Wetlands - permit program for alteration of, construction near, and discharge into Virginia's wetlands and surface waters.
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Virginia Department of
Environmental Quality
629 East Main Street
P.O. Box 1105
Richmond, VA 23218

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