Virginia CZM Program Grantee Information

Grant Application and Procedure Guidance

Virginia CZM Program 306A Project Guidance (revised 2013) - outlines the documentation and steps required by the grantee before construction and land acquisition projects can proceed.

Grant Reporting Guidance and Forms
General Grant Reporting Guidance (PDF)
Final Product Reporting Guidance (PDF)

Virginia CZM Grant Progress Reporting Form

Semiannual Narrative Progress Report (Word) 

Virginia CZM Grant Budget Reporting Form

Semiannual Financial Report - please contact April Bahen, Virginia CZM Grants Coordinator, (804) 698-4005, or your assigned Virginia CZM Program Project Manager, for a copy of this personalized form.  (Image at left is not a link.)

Virginia CZM Grant Final Project Summary Form Final Project Summary (Word) - Final project summaries are used for various reports and publications to illustrate the work supported by the Virginia CZM Program.  This is particulalry important when to convey the value and continued need for federal funding under the CZMA from Congress.
Virginia CZM Grant Budget Amendment Form

Budget Amendments - Please contact your assigned Virginia CZM Program Project Manager if you need to request any adjustments within the categories of your originally approved grant budget. April Bahen, Virginia CZM Grants Coordinator - (804) 698-4005, will then send you a customized "Budget Amendment" form, which will include your original budget.  (Image at left is not a link.)

Availability of Additional Funding

Reprogrammed grant funds may be available through the year on a limited basis. Please contact Laura McKay, Virginia CZM Program Manager, at (804) 698-4323, or our Coastal Planners, Shep Moon, (804) 698-4527 or Beth Polak (804) 698-4260 - for more information about the availability or allocation of these funds.

Grant Acknowledgment Requirements

Public Information:

NOAA requires that any documents intended for public distribution, which are expressly related to grant activities, i.e., web sites, PowerPoint and other presentations, press releases, RFPs, fact sheets, brochures and other informational flyers, exhibits, job announcements, meeting announcements, newspaper or magazine articles or advertisements, etc., must acknowledge funding from NOAA through the Virginia Coastal Zone Management Program.

Please remember to recognize the Virginia CZM Program and NOAA when you are interviewed by the media.

We need your help in demonstrating how Coastal Zone Management Act funds support the Commonwealth's coastal resource management efforts! Congress needs to know how these tax payer dollars and spent. This is critical to continued funding!

All final products produced through a grant from the Virginia CZM Program must acknowledge the program.

Products - draft and final - should display the following:

  • NOAA and Virginia CZM Program acknowledgment language
  • NOAA and Virginia CZM Program logos

Standard acknowledgment language:

  • This project (or mapping project, research project, planting project, nature trail, etc:), Task # (e.g., 96.01) was funded by (or "funded, in part, by" if match funds were also used) the Virginia Coastal Zone Management Program at the Department of Environmental Quality through Grant #NA (e.g., FY07 #NA07NOS4190178) of the U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, under the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972, as amended.

If the product is a report or research paper intended for general distribution, the following sentence should be added to the end of the credit:

  • The views expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the U.S. Department of Commerce, NOAA, or any of its subagencies.

Coastal Nonpoint Pollution Control Program Projects (grant tasks in the 80's series) should use the following acknowledgement language:

  • This project was funded by the Virginia Coastal Zone Management Program at the Department of Environmental Quality through grant number #NAXXNOSXXXXXXX of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management under the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972, as amended. This project was conducted as part of the Coastal Nonpoint Source Pollution Control Program in partnership with the Department of Conservation and Recreation.

    The views expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of NOAA or any of its subagencies or DEQ.

Virginia CZM Program and NOAA Logos 

When using the Virginia CZM Program logo, you must follow the program's "Logo Use Standards".  If you are not a Virginia CZM Program grantee, please e-mail Virginia Witmer and specify your use of the logo. 

Please contact Virginia Witmer at (804) 698-4320 if you:

  • have any trouble with these files
  • require a reverse of the logo (PMS color will be requested)
  • require an EPS format for signage
  • need the logo e-mailed or provided on disk - if you are not a Virginia CZM Program grantee, please specify your use of the logo in your e-mail

Virginia CZM Program logo

Virginia CZM Program Logo - download zip file of TIFF format for printed products (copy file using "save as")

Virginia CZM Program Logo - download JPEG format for Web, Word docs and digital products

The Virginia CZM Program and NOAA logos are also available in an .EPS format upon request. Please contact Virginia Witmer.

Virginia CZM Program logo - block format

Virginia CZM Program Logo - "block format" - download JPEG format for Web, Word docs and digital products  

Virginia CZM Program Logo - "block format" - download zip file of TIFF format for printed products

 NOAA Logo

NOAA Logo - download .tif format for printed products (copy file using "save as")

NOAA Logo - .jpg format for web, Word docs and digital products

Interpretive and Acknowledgement Signage

Signs, recognizing funding from NOAA and the Virginia CZM Program, must be erected at land acquisition, restoration and construction sites. Upon start of construction, a temporary sign must be in place and replaced with permanent signage.

Before signs are printed and erected, the sign's layout and language must be reviewed and approved by the Virginia CZM Program Project Manager assigned to your project.

Due to space and design issues, the acknowledgment language may be altered or eliminated, but the NOAA and Virginia CZM Program logos must be incorporated into the sign design. Also needed on the sign are an identification of the project and the statement "Project is funded by NOAA's National Coastal Zone Management Program."

If you have any questions, comments or concerns regarding these acknowledgment requirements, please contact your assigned Virginia CZM Program Project Manager, or contact Virginia Witmer, Outreach Coordinator, at (804) 698-4320.

  NOAA logo 

For comments or questions concerning this program's web pages, contact the Virginia Witmer.

This website is provided by the Virginia Coastal Zone Management Program through a federal Coastal Zone Management Act grant from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, US Department of Commerce.

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P.O. Box 1105
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