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Wetlands Community
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The Center for Coastal Resources Management (CCRM) develops and supports integrated and adaptive management of coastal zone resources. To fulfill this mission, the Center undertakes research, provides advisory service, and conducts outreach education.

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Living Shoreline Book CZM Guide


New Living Shorelines Book Coming March 2017. Pre-order online and save 20%, Promo Code AQQ78.

New guide available: Native Plants for Southeast Virginia including Hampton Roads Region. Visit Virginia CZM web site for free download and more info.

VFRIS is an interactive map tool that displays flood risk information provided by several agencies including FEMA.

Rivers and Coast LS Article Derek Loftis
Read about Sea-Level Rise & Virginia's Coastal Wetlands in the latest Rivers & Coast. A new journal article synthesizes the current understanding on the use of living shorelines.

CCRM post-doc Derek Loftis helps communities better manage coastal flooding. Read a VIMS news story about his work.

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