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Leaders from local government, the private sector, academia, and Virginia Sustainable Building Network have come together to form Resilient Virginia, a new organization to accelerate resiliency planning in Virginia communities.
Click the icons below for information on select resiliency components.

Buildings & Community Design

Buildings & Community Design

Buildings & Community Design

Community Programs & Policies

Community Programs & Policies

Community Programs & Policies

Economic Risk Management

Economic Risk Management

Economic Risk Management




Emergency Preparedness

Emergency Preparedness

Emergency Preparedness

Energy Options

Energy Options

Energy Options




Health Care

Health Care

Health Care







Introducing Resilient Virginia

Thanks to Our Recent Sponsors

Facility Engineering Associates
logo-Hazen and Sawyer
logo-Leaders in Energy

Latest News & Resources

Upcoming Events

Nothing from January 29, 2017 to February 8, 2017.

Who We Are

Leaders from local government, the private sector, academia, and Virginia Sustainable Building Network came together in 2014 to form this new organization to accelerate resiliency planning in Virginia communities. Find out more here.

What is Resiliency?

Resiliency is defined as the capacity to maintain or regain functionality and vitality in the face of natural, climate-induced, or man-made stressors and disturbances.

In the short term, resiliency strategies can provide communities with tools for bouncing back more quickly from extreme weather or other high-impact events.

For the long term, resiliency planning provides communities with the ability to adapt and thrive despite changing environmental, social, and economic conditions.

Our Mission

Our mission is to launch the Community Resiliency Initiative, which serves as a hub for bringing national, state and local resources together to accelerate community resiliency planning across the diverse geographic regions of the Commonwealth.

Our Goals

  • INFORM diverse leaders from government, business, and the community about natural, climate-induced and man-made risks and vulnerabilities;
  • EDUCATE key groups about the models for community resiliency planning;
  • ACTIVATE Virginia communities by providing tools to engage in resiliency planning.

Find out more about Resilient Virginia’s mission and goals Strategic Plan (PDF document).


We are reaching out to key stakeholder groups around the state. Our partners include local governments and planning district commissions, state government agencies, K–12 and higher education academic institutions, national organizations, major corporations and local businesses, and community organizations. See our 2016 Resilient Virginia Conference List of Partners.

You are invited to join our initiative as a Board Member or Program Planning Committee Member by contacting Annette Osso (osso@resilientvirginia.org).

Sponsor and Membership

Download our Sponsor & Membership form to support the Resilient Community Initiative. It’s our future! Support Resilient Virginia today!

Join UsYou can support our Resilient Virginia’s goals to inform, educate, and activate community leaders across the Commonwealth to enable their businesses and citizens to meet 21st century challenges while maintaining prosperity.
Take one of the following actions today:


  • Annual and Sustaining Members will be added to the “We Support Resiliency — It’s Our Future!” membership list and will benefit from discounts to all Resilient Virginia events.
  • Annual Sponsors receive special notice on Resilient Virginia’s website with prominent placement of logos and links to your website. New! Business, government, and organizational sponsors are invited to write an article for Resilient Virginia’s news column on their product or service.
  • Event Sponsors are promoted before and during special events.

All supporters will help Resilient Virginia bring critical resources to communities through our website, local events, and statewide conferences.

Support Resilient Virginia! It’s our future!