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  Sunday, September 21, 2008   
The CULCON Report


Abe Fellow Alumni List

Symposium Reports

Japan Policy Fellows

A CGP and Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) co-organized program to provide academics an opportunity to interact with the various stakeholders in Washington D.C.

Education Grants Bring Japan to the South and Midwest

CGP has renewed its K-12 Education grants for states in the South and Midwest. Several recent innovative projects are profiled in this article.

The Limits of Soft Power

Kazuo Ogoura, President of the Japan Foundation, critiques the concept of soft power as it relates to Japan.

Revisiting Soft Power

Yasushi Watanabe, Professor at the Graduate School of Media & Governance, Keio University, discusses the attributes of soft power and its various applications.

Entrepreneurship Strategy and Policy in the U.S. and Japan: Push, Pull, Drag and Jump Factors in Emerging Life Science Regions

Kathryn Ibata-Arens, a 2004 Abe Fellow, discusses her research on factors that lead to high technology and life science clusterization.

Energy Security Revisited: A Catalyst for Multilateral Cooperation in the Asia-Pacific Region and the Role of the U.S. - Japan Alliance

Mr. Shoichi Itoh, Researcher at the Economic Research Institute for Northeast Asia (ERINA), offers his perspective on what energy security means in Northeast Asia and the opportunities for regional cooperation.

The Portsmouth Peace Treaty: 100th Anniversary Exhibit Explores the Impact

A New England Community Commemorates its Role in the Historic Peace

Building Strong Communities through Volunteerism: U.S. – Japan Collaboration

American and Japanese volunteer networks team up to promote a new volunteerism for the 21st century.

Nonprofit Organizations Undergo Profound Change in the U.S. and Japan

Yuko Suda, Professor in the Department of Social Welfare at Toyo University and Abe Fellow, discusses her comparative experiences in the changing world of U.S. and Japanese nonprofit organizations.

Soft Power and Public Diplomacy

Can foreign consumption of popular culture affect a country's political strength?

From Small Steps to a Big Impact: Exploring Japan from the Southern U.S.

The following are some snapshots of the education projects in the South that have made a lasting impact and opened the doors to a new culture for many youth and adults.

From Enemies to Allies: The Role of Philanthropy in Rebuilding Postwar US-Japan Relations

Mr. James Gannon, Executive Director of the Japan Center for International Exchange (JCIE/USA) gives an account of a study to analyze the efforts of foundations and philanthropists in restoring and strengthening bilateral relations.
