Virginia CZM Program Public Notices

The Virginia CZM Program is a networked program of state agencies and local governments (authorized by Executive Order 23).  This network administers the enforceable laws and regulations that protect our wetlands, dunes, subaqueous lands, fisheries, and air and water quality. To maintain an effective network, Virginia's CZM Program is periodically updated to reflect changes made to coastal law and regulation.  This process of updating the program, if it is significant change, is referred to a Program Amendment. If it is a less significant change, it is referred to as a Routine Program Change (RPC).

Because the laws and regulations incorporated into the Virginia CZM Program are used for Federal Consistency determinations, this process is a crucial part of maintaining a strong Program and state agency participation in this RPC process is essential. Incorporated programs are also eligible to receive funding support through a Virginia CZM Program grant. 

Public notice is a very important part of the routine program change process (outlined at right) and this process generates most of the public notices issued by the Virginia CZM Program.  For an example, go to Virginia CZM Program Public Notice January 2010 Program Changes and Incorporations.

Subject Type of Notice Copy of Documents Copy of the Public Notice Public Comment Period Contact Person
There are no current public notices for the Coastal Zone Management Program.          


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For comments or questions concerning this program's web pages, contact Virginia Witmer.

This website is provided by the Virginia Coastal Zone Management Program through a federal Coastal Zone Management Act grant from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, US Department of Commerce.

Routine Program Change Process

  • First Step. RPC Package Preparation
    The Virginia CZM Program prepares a package detailing and analyzing a change to regulations or statutes which are one of our core regulatory authorities.
  • Step B. Public Notice
    A public notice is published requesting comments from the public within 21 days on our intent to incorporate these changes into the Virginia CZM Program.
  • Step C. Package Submission
    The RPC package is submitted to NOAA and they have 30 days to respond.
  • Step D. Notification of Acceptance
    NOAA will notify the Virginia CZM Program when the RPC package has been favorably reviewed.
  • Final Step. Public Notice
    Another public notice is posted stating that NOAA has accepted our changes and that Federal Consistency applies to the amended program as of the date of the NOAA notification.
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Virginia Department of
Environmental Quality
629 East Main Street
P.O. Box 1105
Richmond, VA 23218

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