Resources & Links

Numerous state programs are available to help teachers and communities develop environmental education programs. This list includes a variety of teacher training programs that are sponsored privately and by the state, and generally are free to educators. Also included are curriculum supplements for the classroom. For additional resources, search the Virginia Naturally partners.

  • 25 Ways to Help Virginia's Environment

  • Agriculture in the Classroom
    Agriculture in the Classroom is a statewide program which provides staff development and resources to teachers across the Commonwealth. The curriculum is specifically created with Virginia's standards in mind and can be integrated into the core content areas of science, social studies, language arts, and mathematics. In addition to K-5 cross-curricular workshops, the program has pre-K and middle school science programs. Visit Agriculture in the Classroom on the web for lesson plans, workshop information, and much more.

  • Ecology Club project ideas

  • The Environmental Educators Leadership Program develops and enhances the professional skills and abilities of Virginia educators for the protection of the environment. This program can serve as a roadmap for developing skills needed to teach about the environment.

  • Heritage Education Program, sponsored by the Department of Historic Resources and state preservation groups, provides The Heritage Workbook, a curriculum featuring history, architecture and archaeology, as well as teacher workshops, Virginia Archaeology Week, and on-site "digs."

  • Love-A-Tree is a program that provides supplemental curricula for teachers and educators based on the Standards of Learning. 

  • Meaningful Watershed Educational Experiences resources such as curricula, partners, mini-grants and professional development.

  • National Environmental Education Week

  • Outdoor Classrooms 

  • Pollution Solutions is a curriculum supplement about litter and pollution prevention based on the Standards of Learning for grades K-12.

  • Project Learning Tree is a nationally developed program that provides curriculum supplements about forest communities through six-hour teacher workshops. Lesson plans are correlated to the new Standards of Learning and use science, language and social studies skills. Project Learning Tree is sponsored jointly by the Virginia Department of Forestry, Virginia Tech College of Forestry and Wildlife, and the Virginia Forestry Association.

  • Project Underground is a collection of 20 activities with an emphasis on caves and related karstlands -- their biological, geological, hydrological and historical diversities and values.

  • Project WET is a professionally developed water education program for educators. The K-12 supplementary curriculum addresses topics such as atmospheric water, surface and ground water quality, cultural and historic uses of water, and contemporary management issues. Lessons are correlated to the new Standards of Learning. The 500-page guide is available through six-hour workshops. 

  • Project WILD is a nationally developed program that provides curriculum supplements and training about wildlife and habitats. The guide contains more than 80 interdisciplinary lessons. Project Aquatic WILD features lessons on aquatic ecosystems. Both interdisciplinary programs are correlated to the new Standards of Learning. Free six-hour workshops are sponsored by the Department of Game and Inland Fisheries and the Virginia Izaak Walton League.

  • Sixth-grade science resources provide sixth-grade teachers with the most relevant resources to meet the new Standards of Learning. 

  • Virginia Energy Education Development Project offers a unique program of teacher and student training as well as the latest information on all forms of energy.

  • Virginia Museum of Natural History exhibits, traveling educational kits, and programs about natural sciences reach students and adults throughout Virginia, including a summer institute for fourth- and fifth- and sixth-grade teachers. Headquartered in Martinsville with a branch at the University of Virginia, each site provides special programming for its area.

  • Virginia Science Standards Institute is a week-long summer program for fourth- and fifth- and sixth-grade teachers that provides a wealth of science expertise and resources from Virginia's museums and state agencies.

  • Virginia State Parks offer a variety of educational services including activities designed to involve students in field activities and investigations.

  • Virginia Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts sponsors a variety of watershed education projects, including youth scholarships, a youth conservation camp and Envirothon program for high school students.
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Virginia Department of
Environmental Quality
629 East Main Street
P.O. Box 1105
Richmond, VA 23218

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