Tuesday, February 19, 2013
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Training Synchronisation Conference

2013tslogo 200The 2013 Training Synchronisation Conference (TSC) took place in Riga, Latvia 22-24 January 2013.

The TSC has proven to be an effective means of coordinating E&T activity across NATO Commands, Nations and Partners. In-keeping with the spirit of the previous TSC (cost effectiveness and enhanced cooperation), a combined Education Forum/NATO Individual Training and Education Conference (NITEC) and the NATO Training and Exercise Conference (NTEC) will be co-located and take place during the same week. This TSC was an occasion to present the latest revisions to NATO's E&T Policy and provide details of all exercises. In addition, the TSC also provided an opportunity to offer a practical demonstration of electronic-Individual Training and Education Programme (e-ITEP).

Thank you, and please contact one of the admins if you have any questions.





  • Training Synchronisation Conferences:
    • ACT
      Rudolfs Rudzuroga NCN: 555-3337
      Guillaume Ehrhart NCN: 555-4118
    • SHAPE
      Manuel Gonzalez Serrano NCN: 254-3816
  • NTEC
    Michael Wright NCN: 555-3343
    Uwe Willert NCN: 555-3437
  • Education Forum
    Philippe Plamondon NCN: 555-3602
