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NATO's Allied Command Transformation Change of Command 28th of September

Monday 13 August, 2012

Norfolk, VA. French Air Force General Jean-Paul Paloméros, will succeed French Air Force General Stéphane Abrial as NATO's Supreme Allied Commander Transformation (SACT) in a ceremony at the "Nauticus" maritime-themed science centre and museum located in Norfolk, VA at 12:00 p.m. (noon) on 28 September 2012, in Norfolk, Virginia.

The Supreme Allied Commander Transformation leads the organisation that preserves the peace, security and territorial integrity of Alliance member states through transformation of NATO military forces, structures, capabilities and doctrine. This change of command represents the second time in NATO's 60 year history that a non-US officer has been permanently assigned as one of NATO's two Supreme Allied Commanders.

General Paloméros is currently the Chief of Staff of the French Air Force.

"We are all absolutely delighted that General Paloméros has been selected as the next Commander of NATO's Allied Command Transformation. We very much look forward to serving him as he leads us in the development of the Alliance's capabilities for the future, the training of our forces for operations, and ensuring that NATO is fully prepared for whatever challenges that the Alliance may face in the future. We also look forward to supporting him in building on the success of our current commander, General Abrial, in continuing the significant progress and momentum that he has generated in leading the transformation of NATO, and our Partner nations, in maintaining the peace and security of the Alliance" said Vice Admiral C A Johnstone-Burt, United Kingdom Royal Navy, Headquarters SACT's Chief of Staff.

Allied Command Transformation is the only NATO command headquartered in the United States: Located in Norfolk, Virginia, it is a cornerstone of the transatlantic link.

More information: http://www.nato.int/cps/en/natolive/news_89456.htm


Contact Information Allied Command Transformation (ACT) Public Affairs Office

Major Sebastien Caron at (Office) +757-747-3235 or (Mobile) +757-739-8009

Email: sebastien.caron@act.nato.intwww.act.nato.int


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