Virginia Secretary of Transportation - Sean Connaughton
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While here, you will learn about how the Transportation Secretariat ensures our Commonwealth has a safe and efficient transportation system to support and improve every Virginian's quality of life.

Agencies that are part of the Transportation Secretariat provide a wide array of products and services including road construction and repairs, rest area maintenance, regulating sea ports, airports and rail, and issuing license plates and driver's licenses.

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Governor McDonnell Opens Statewide Transportation Conference "Opportunities in Motion"

Governor Bob McDonnell announced that he will host the 2012 Governor's Transportation Conference, themed "Opportunities in Motion," on December 5 through December 7. The conference, which will highlight Virginia's complex and evolving multi-modal transportation system, will be held at the Sheraton Premiere at Tysons Corner. Governor McDonnell will address attendees at the opening session of the conference on Wednesday, December 5th, at 1:00 p.m.

Speaking about the conference, Governor McDonnell said "Transportation is one of the greatest challenges facing the Commonwealth of Virginia, but with these challenges come opportunities. Throughout my Administration, we have worked in a bipartisan fashion with the General Assembly and stakeholders to re-open Virginia's closed rest areas; we have taken steps - like the 2010 Comprehensive VDOT Performance Audit - to improve our agency operations and performance; we have invested in programs like the Virginia Commercial Space Flight Authority; and, we have worked to reform MWAA and get the Dulles Rail Project back on track. Most importantly, we have made the largest investment in transportation in decades through my 2011 Transportation Funding and Reform Package. As a result of our efforts, today there are over $14 billion worth of projects under construction or in procurement throughout all part of the Commonwealth. However, we still have work to do, and this year's conference will highlight many of the opportunities to keep Virginia moving."
Watch video from the conference...

Governor McDonnell Announces 495 Express Lanes Opening This Week

Governor McDonnell, Secretary Connaughton, and Greg Whirley at the opening of the new I495 express lanes event. Governor Bob McDonnell announced today that the 495 Express Lanes in Northern Virginia are opening early and on-budget on November 17. Today, Governor McDonnell participated in an opening event celebration in Tysons Corner with elected officials, media and key project personnel to commemorate the opening of the new traffic solution as well as the partnership and innovation that delivered the project.

"The opening of the 495 Express Lanes means opportunity for Virginia," said McDonnell. "The project not only helped create jobs during construction, but will continue to make Northern Virginia a more attractive place to work and live. The Express Lanes will open the region for business by providing better access to key employer centers and delivering the infrastructure needed to grow businesses and create additional jobs."

The 495 Express Lanes are two new high occupancy toll (HOT) lanes in each direction on the Virginia side of the Capital Beltway from the Springfield Interchange to just north of the Dulles Toll Road (approximately 14 miles). Construction of the 495 Express Lanes supported more than 16,000 jobs and generated nearly $3.5 billion of economic impact state-wide.


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American Society of Civil Engineers Report Confirms Long Overdue Need for Transportation Infrastructure Investment in Virginia
The American Society of Civil Engineers yesterday released its 2013 Report Card for America's Infrastructure, giving Virginia an overall rating of D+. The ASCE issues the Report Card every four years, evaluating among other things roads, bridges, ports and mass transit. The report found 47 percent of Virginia's roads to be of poor or mediocre quality, 1,250 of bridges structurally deficient, 2,421 bridges functionally obsolete and found that driving on roads in need of repair costs Virginia motorists $1.344 billion a year in extra vehicle repairs and operating costs. The report also praised Virginia's leading-edge I-81 in-place pavement recycling project, which cut the time of the pavement replacement project to seven months from the one to two years that traditional pavement construction would have taken, reducing the traffic disruption to motorists and saving millions of dollars.

Governor McDonnell Announces Board Appointments
Governor Bob McDonnell today announced appointments to one board. Further announcements regarding additional appointments in the McDonnell administration will continue to be made in the months ahead.

VDOT Moves Forward on Long-Term Solutions for I-264 and I-64 in Hampton Roads
Governor Bob McDonnell today announced that Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) has developed solutions to prevent the reoccurrence of the pothole situation that developed on Interstate 264 on Friday, Feb. 8, resulting in severe traffic impacts to motorists traveling along the roadway.

"I am pleased that the General Assembly recently approved a historic funding package that will enable VDOT to make the types of repairs our roads so desperately need," said Governor Bob McDonnell. "In particular, we will be able to ensure this funding goes toward making necessary improvements to I-264 and I-64. This situation should not have happened and we are working to make certain that it does not happen again."

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