The Force is Strong: Scientists Bind Photons, Create Light Saber Tech

Author: Steve Woods
Published: September 29, 2013 at 7:35 pm

According to Technorati listed Gaming Culture blog Escapist Magazine, researchers at MIT have uncovered a process that just might lead directly to the creation of real-live Star Wars battle tech.

The scientists at Harvard-MIT accidentally created a process that binds together photons, those flighty, zero mass particles that typically spend their days playing it solo as they create the light we see.

When two photons come across each other, they simply pass by (or even through) each other, going on their own merry way. Researchers say they've created a special medium to hold the light particles, causing them to form into unique molecules, exhibiting, well, mass.

And anything with mass can interact with something else having mass. Enter those that say this is a step toward creating light sabers, as a hand-held generator developing the newly discovered medium could potentially create a hardened stick of light. I just wanna know if they make that cool krickety-krick sound when two of them eventually get struck together.

Because you KNOW someone is going to keep developing this technology until we get our light sabers.

I am sure the worldwide members of the Jedi Church have got their ears perked over this particular discovery. Keep praying, Jedi faithful, keep praying...

Light sabers, we will get. Hmm.

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Article Author: Steve Woods

Steve Woods is Technorati's Editor. You can follow him on Twitter at @YouKnowSteve

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