Google launches tool for building interactive HTMLS ads

Author: Curtis Silver
Published: September 30, 2013 at 10:16 am

Today Google announced the lauch of their HTML5 based tool, Google Web Designer. This new tool to build HTML5 capable sites and advertisements is already available for beta download. Web Designer is aimed at advertisers looking to create dynamic ads that take advantage of (rather than fail to) cross-screen experiences in web browsing.

If you aren't familiar with HTML5, you should be. HTML5 is the tool that will soon become the new standard for building content on the web, replacing things like Flash and other antiquated creation tools. HTML5 also isn't as complex as other tools, in the programming sense, which makes it more accessible to anyone looking to create engaging content on the web.

While most of the features in the tool are specifically designed for creating advertisements, there is nothing holding you back from creating similarly coded single-page sites and animations. Google hopes to expand all functions of the tool to all purposes, but for now it is aimed at advertisers. The tool is set up to be handled visually, similar to programs like Final Cut and other timed out animation tools. Yet, the availability of Javascript and CSS allows programmers to delve into the minute details of creation.

There are a few tools aside from the expected ones that Google has added into Web Designer. One of those is a pen tool for free hand drawing. The other is CSS3, which enables 3D content. There is also the standard timeline for managing animations, pre-filled galleries, maps and YouTube embedding. Web Designer is a very robust tool for its purpose, which is to streamline creation to conquer the difficulty of designing content to be viewed the same on any platform or browser.

Check out the introduction video below, then go get in on the beta.


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Article Author: Curtis Silver

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