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Finding Your Own Rhythm at Work through Self-Compassion

Finding Your Own Rhythm at Work through Self-Compassion

11. 5.2013
Most of what I am about to tell you is contrary to what you might have been taught or have come to believe in. I have to share this with...
Karen van Bergen: Where Should We Meet? Sustaining Real Connection in a Hyper-Connected World

Karen van Bergen: Where Should We Meet? Sustaining Real Connection in a Hyper-Connected World

11. 5.2013
More than we care to admit, we now pay for the ease and frequency of our communication with the depth of our relationships. And those depths...
5 Reasons Millennials Are Going To Save The World

5 Reasons Millennials Are Going To Save The World

Tyler Kingkade  11. 5.2013
Millennials catch a lot of flack. Some of it valid, most of it ill-informed. Too often critics unfairly condemn a generation that wasn't...
The Secret To Surpassing Other Job Candidates

The Secret To Surpassing Other Job Candidates

11. 5.2013
Going through the job-interview process can generate anxiety for even the most qualified candidates, but according to a new study published...
WATCH: How One Woman's Diagnosis Spurred Her To Pursue A Dream Career

WATCH: How One Woman's Diagnosis Spurred Her To Pursue A Dream Career

11. 5.2013
When entrepreneur Jill Brzezinski-Conley was diagnosed with cancer, she decided she wasn't going to let the disease defeat her -- instead,...
WATCH: 'I Just Want To Break My Legs So I Don't Have To Go To Work'

WATCH: 'I Just Want To Break My Legs So I Don't Have To Go To Work'

11. 5.2013
How far is too far when it comes to burnout at work? For former lawyer Lori Ann Wardi, it was when she realized she was wishing she had...
Issa Rae: 'I Felt Like My Voice Was Missing'

Issa Rae: 'I Felt Like My Voice Was Missing'

Emma Gray  11. 5.2013
If you don't know Issa Rae's name yet, you should -- and you will. The 28-year-old actress and writer is best known for her web series,"The...
Today's Employees No Longer Look Like Don Draper, So Why is Work Still Designed for Him?

Today's Employees No Longer Look Like Don Draper, So Why is Work Still Designed for Him?

11. 5.2013
To recruit and retain the best people for the job, companies need to catch up with the changing realities of today's workforce.
Monique Valcour: Why My Husband Took My Last Name

Monique Valcour: Why My Husband Took My Last Name

11. 5.2013
Some social norms and conventions help us along the pathway to happiness, while others are roadblocks.
It Should Be OK To Nap At Work

It Should Be OK To Nap At Work

11. 5.2013
I didn't get enough sleep one night recently. I realize that's scarcely a big confession, but it's a rare event for me. Because I'm acutely...
Why I Covered Toronto Fashion Week Without My Smartphone

Why I Covered Toronto Fashion Week Without My Smartphone

11. 5.2013
Last week I attempted to cover Toronto Fashion Week while completely unplugged from modern technology. It was a challenge of sorts, to...
Mindfulness Could Make You Less Swayed By Immediate Rewards

Mindfulness Could Make You Less Swayed By Immediate Rewards

11. 5.2013
Mindfulness could help you to be less swayed by immediate rewards, a new study suggests. A study in the journal Emotion shows that people...
QUIZ: How Creative Are You?

QUIZ: How Creative Are You?

Amanda L. Chan  11. 5.2013
Creativity is not a one-size-fits-all kind of trait. As author and artist David. B. Goldstein, who wrote "Creative You: Using Your Personality...
Sharing for Growth, Gratitude and Paying It Forward

Sharing for Growth, Gratitude and Paying It Forward

11. 4.2013
My hesitancy about expressing my want for my own evolution is that I'm a private person -- well, that's what I've been telling myself....