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Being A Hero Is Fun!

Being A Hero Is Fun!

Are you ready? Here are two games that will test your know-how in a wide range of emergencies and teach you how to build the perfect emergency kit.

Play These Games

Disaster Master

Get ready for some serious adventure! Step into the heart of the action as you help the Heroes face everything from home fires to earthquakes. What should they do? Make the right choice and earn points to get to the next level. Make the wrong choice and watch out! Winners get their own graphic novel!

Play the Disaster Master Game

Build a Kit

You're on a mission! Go through different locations with Gayle and her
friends to find what you need for an emergency kit. Will you pick the correct items? Have fun and build a checklist along the way. Hurry!
Your family is counting on you.

Play the Build a Kit Game

Build a Kit
What are WEAs

Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEAs) are emergency messages sent to cell phones by authorized government agencies to let you know about dangerous weather conditions, emergencies, and other local hazards.


  • Read the alert
  • Take action
  • Follow the directions