#FlickrFriday: White Space

Fisherman on Lake Kariba

whitespace New Life

All Of The While I Never Knew

#WhiteSpace Hans?

White Space - Leaf

268/365 - Bound Relief

First Aid Kit

Myself #WhiteSpace bedroom


884 - White space

# Our previous Flickr Friday theme was #WhiteSpace, and here is the weekly selection of your submissions.

With the abstract theme we presented you, the results just had to be diverse: We saw beautiful monochrome shots but also wonderful colored ones. We saw literal white spaces, (nearly) empty white rooms, just glimpses of white spaces in otherwise dark scenes, and the beautiful classical white spaces from the world of design. Let the full beauty of white and white spaces enchant you in the Flickr Friday group pool.

Also check out your galleries where other members of the Flickr Friday group are curating their favorites of the theme.

The world of fairy tales, enchanted forests, ancient locations and creatures as well as magical stories is central part of our new theme #OnceUponATime. We’re looking forward to your submissions. If you’d like to be featured in next Friday’s selection here on Flickr Blog, you have time until the announcement of the new theme on Friday to take your shot and submit it to the Flickr Friday group. If you would like to curate your favorites as well, show us your galleries.

Photos from johannekekroesbergen, chrbhm, Chris Howard, AleQuero, hbmike2000, megorgar, Sandra’s Weeds, Gunn Point, Littlemissninon, AldoRomo88, Alli Day, Der Roter Flitzer, dadaesk, Steffi Au, and -5Nap-.

#FlickrFriday is a weekly photography project that challenges your creativity. For a chance to be featured on FlickrBlog, follow @flickr on Twitter & like us on Facebook and look for the weekly theme announcement every Friday. Browse the Flickr Friday category for more.

Posted by Kay Kremerskothen

Photographer literally draws life into his photos

To call Ben Heine’s photography “cool” or even “eye-catching” is a bit of an understatement. His images are mesmerizing. Ben’s Pencil vs. Camera series perfectly blends illustrations in surprising but clever juxtapositions. The end result offers viewers a glimpse into an imaginative and surreal world.

“In my work, I’m really trying to interact with the viewer,” the Belgian artist tells The Weekly Flickr in the accompanying video. “I want to make them laugh or smile, and if I can, surprise people so that he or she doesn’t understand how it’s made. I’m having so much fun and I want them to feel the same.”

“Pencil vs. Camera” mixes drawing and photography, imagination and reality through illusion and surrealism. Ben says the idea was the result of a long graphic exploration and the evolution of his artistic ability.

Pencil Vs Camera - 66 Pencil Vs Camera - 7

“The initial idea happened randomly while I was writing a letter in 2010,” Ben explains. “When I held the letter up to put it inside an envelope, I noticed the paper was transparent enough that I could see my television in the background. I suddenly saw two images working together: the words on the paper and the action of the television. It was surreal, and I instantly thought I could do something with this.”

“The very next day I made Pencil vs. Camera #1,” Ben says. “It wasn’t very creative, but it was the beginning of this new concept. Since then, it’s evolved into more and more complex drawings, and it’s always changing into something bigger and better.”

The process behind the series is very simple. Ben draws a picture by hand and then takes the photo of the drawing at a specific location. His hand is almost always visible in the image to represent the connection between viewer, artist and artwork.

Pencil Vs Camera - 40 Pencil Vs Camera - 12

“The drawing has to be nice, and the location where I’m taking the photo has to be interesting,” Ben says. “When I edit my photo, like every photographer, I’m always adjusting. Since these are raw images, I’m adjusting the light, the colors, the contrast – everything. In some cases, I adjust the composition because I want the final image to be perfect!”

In “Pencil vs. Camera”, Ben generally focuses on architecture, portraits and animals. Among many others, the main themes he approaches are love and friendship.

Pencil Vs Camera - 68 Pencil Vs Camera - 58

Love and friendship are the main things I’m trying to express in my art because they are a reflection of what I love the most in life,” Ben says. “I’ve made many photos showing duos… either two people or two animals in love or in a friendly situation with each other. It’s a beautiful feeling.”

There is also a lot of illusion and surrealism depicted in Ben’s art. Throughout his career he’s been influenced by famous artists like Rene Magritte. Ben says he likes to play with shapes, geometrics and create illusions with tricky objects and perspectives.

1 - Pencil Vs Camera for Art Official Concept Pencil Vs Camera - 64

“One of my favorite images shows a lion jumping out of the image,” Ben says. “I took this photo in Tunisia and drew in a lion jumping and appearing. The picture is unfinished, because I mainly wanted to attract the attention of the viewer on the lion’s roar. I liked the powerful effect of this image – you know the lion’s screaming and shouting. For me, graphic art can sometimes be dull, but this image is powerful.”

The reactions Ben’s received from his series has been extremely positive. He credits the reception and encouragement to Flickr.

Pencil Vs Camera - 9 Pencil Vs Camera - 19

“I started posting my pictures in 2006, and since then, the feedback from other members has helped me to improve my work,” Ben admits. “I really strive to create a new form of art. For me, it’s very important to be innovative and do something different. I’m having fun only because I’m trying to surpass myself daily. I want people to see I’ve given my utmost best in each of my images.”

You can discover more of Ben’s amazing work in the previous coverage of his work on Flickr Blog and in his photostream. Also check out his website for more info.

WeeklyFlickr LogoDo you want to be featured on The Weekly Flickr? We are looking for your photos that amaze, excite, delight and inspire. Share them with us in the The Weekly Flickr Group, or tweet us at @TheWeeklyFlickr.

Posted by Ameya Pendse

Festive lights and the Fire Dragon

Mid-Autumn Festival-22.jpg

Rising Moon

Inside the Moon

Tai Hang Fire Dragon. Hong Kong

The Incenses will bring you luck!

Global celebrations earlier this month for the Mid-Autumn Festival featured a lot of fanfare, and Hong Kong hosted much of it. The well-attended Lantern Wonderland attraction in Victoria Park included the “Rising Moon” centerpiece display, a spherical structure containing thousands of recycled plastic bottles illuminated by light effects that imitate moon phases. Meanwhile, the three-day Tai Hang Fire Dragon Dance took place in Causeway Bay. The tradition features a straw dragon with incense sticks spanning about 218 feet. According to a centuries-old legend, it’s a performance that keeps the plague away by appeasing the son of the Dragon King.

See, and share, more photography in the Mid-Autumn Festivals 2013 gallery and Hong Kong 香港 group.

Photos from doctorho, capcap119, david.valentine, JOE’s INFINITY, and H.L.Tam.

Posted by Arnold Chao

Mantis popularity

Also available in: Français


Dead leaf mantis.

Empusa pennata (Empuse)


 Phyllocrania paradoxa

Orchid Mantis

the Mantis

Mantis with Lady bug prey.

Idolomantis Takes Chewbacca's Portrait

Mantis palo (Empusa pennata)

Green and green


Cõng Sên...

Morning toilet

Pseudocreobotra wahlbergii

Explore popular pictures of insects, and you’re bound to find the mantis. Easily recognized by their distinctive forelegs and triangular face, these bugs eat pests with such aggression that they inspired two Chinese martial art styles. Mantises are even pampered as exotic pets by their devoted fans, unlike their closest relatives, cockroaches and termites. More than 2,400 species comprise their Mantodea insect order, including the uniquely camouflaged ones that mimic vegetation.

See, and share, more animal photos in the Magnificent Mantises gallery and Praying Mantis group.

Photos from thienbs, Andy @ Pang Ket Vui, melch2B, Gregg Kiesewetter, Celimaniac, ReaganPufall, Spice ♥, davidgerardball, scott cromwell, rio en medio – Jose, myu-myu, marakawalv, xuanthanh_arc, Fab. B, and Celimaniac.

Posted by Arnold Chao

#Twitter Tuesday: Your First Week on Flickr

Playing with fire #3 vinnie

Boston Harbor2.jpg

Elvises 1 Heron Fishing

Dagens foto - 002 Brighton Holy hoops...

Day 7/365 Just by the lake, Ladakh, India


Wieliczka railroad by 1996 oh god

Star Shepherd

Pégase "The Delta" at Big Cypress

August flowers 2012 Playing by Ear HappyHollow18

Lotusphere_2006_0113 TMC from the Pru

Painted Ladies

Crater Lake June 5, 2006 gap

For our first installment of #TwitterTuesday, we asked you to share your favorite photo from your first week on Flickr with us. For some of us this was surely a wonderful walk down memory lane. These are some of our favorites from your submissions.

Thanks to everyone who participated. We will be back with a new theme next Tuesday.

Check out all your submissions and follow us on Twitter to see the next challenge announced directly in your feed.

Photos from Αλεξάνδρα, John Carleton, cponceactual, Michael H, DavidMarsh, petertandlund, CdL Creative, JolindaWebb, Marius Vieth, ChetanKarkhanis, D. Brim, Rrrodrigo, Hawk3ye, Jack Fusco, Wilidrine, Dan and Ann, smb815, Irina Souiki, Bubble Level, IdoNotes, j2wade, Tyler Aldrich, Kathie514, and nudnikhdk.

Posted by Kay Kremerskothen

The Great Reno Balloon Race


The Great Reno Balloon Race 2013

Dawn Patrol

Great Reno Balloon Races

Great American Balloon Races Reno Nevada 271

Flying Away

Every September the annual Great Reno Balloon Race (GRBR), the world’s largest free hot-air ballooning event, takes place in Reno, Nevada, and this year had plenty of talented photographers in attendance to capture the mass ascension and balloon-filled sky.

See, and share, more photos in the Reno Balloon Race gallery and Hot Air Balloons Worldwide group.

Photos from tony p photos, zhigangzhang, danishdynamite, The Happy Campers, Eric B 63, and Josh Hawley.

Posted by Arnold Chao


It’s the first ever #TwitterTuesday! We want you to dig into your Flickr archives and find the hidden gems that you have uploaded in the past. We’re sure you’ll love the great photos that are just waiting to be rediscovered in your photostreams.

Our first #TwitterTuesday theme is My First Week on Flickr. It’s an easy one, to get us all started.

Whether your first week was all digital or analogue or a mix, we want you to share your most interesting, beautiful or moving shot from the past with us. From now on, we will announce a new theme every Tuesday and you have the rest of the day to pick your favorite shot from your photostream and share it with @flickr on Twitter.

The weekly selection of your entries will be showcased right here on the Flickr blog. Don’t forget the most important part is to use the hashtag #TwitterTuesday both on Flickr and Twitter when you share your photo so we can all enjoy our collaboration and build the selection of the week.

What’s the easiest way to share your photo, you ask?

If you haven’t done so already, go to your sharing settings and click connect to link your Flickr account with Twitter:

How to connect Flickr to Twitter

You’ll be asked by Twitter to authorize your account; click the Authorize button. After you have successfully linked your accounts, go to the photo you’d like to share and hit the share button The Sharing Icon.

Select Twitter and enter your tweet including the #TwitterTuesday hashtag. We will automagically append a shortened flic.kr URL leading to your photo.

How to share on Flickr Desktop

Find your photo in your photostream (our first theme might require a bit of scrolling), click the share icon, select Twitter, then type and send your tweet. Again, don’t forget to add the #TwitterTuesday tag.

How to share on iOS

Posted by Kay Kremerskothen

The Astronomy Photographer of the Year 2013

Now in its fifth year, the Royal Observatory of the Royal Museums Greenwich conducts the Astronomy Photographer of the Year competition.

This time, the competition received a record number of over 1200 entries from 49 countries. The best of these exceptional photographs – winners, runners-up or highly commended in the competition’s different categories and special prizes – are showcased in a free exhibition in the Royal Observatory’s Astronomy Centre which is open to the public from 19 September 2013 until 23 February 2014 from 10.00 – 17.00.

Without further ado, here are the winners:

Guiding Light To The Stars

| Guiding Light to the Stars from markg<<, overall winner of the competition and of the Earth and Space category.

SH2_239 Milky Way 7/16/12 Corona Composite of 2012 Australia Totality

| Celestial Impasto: sh2–239 from ngc1535, winner of the Deep Space category
| The Milky Way Galaxy from Jacob Marchio, winner of the Young Astrophotographers category
| Corona Composite of 2012: Australian Totality from Pachacoti, winner of the Our Solar System category

Moon Silhouettes      ptes_Trapezium

| Moon Silhouettes from markg<<, winner of the People and Space category
| The Trapezium Cluster and Surrounding Nebulae from László Francsics, winner of the Robotic Scope category

Venus Transit, 6/6/12, 04:47AM Welsh Highlands, Foxhunters Grave.

| Venus Transit, Foxhunter’s Grave, Welsh Highlands from Sam Cornwell, winner of the Best Newcomer category

Congratulations to our members who won or have been lauded as runners-up or highly recommended in one of the competition’s categories!

Posted by Kay Kremerskothen

Harvest moon 2013

Pearl Fuji

Hollywood Harvest Moon

Moon Over Shangri-la

Harvest Moon Lighthouse

The full moon that welcomes the beginning of autumn is known as the harvest moon, and many of you captured it’s beauty from various locations and famous landmarks. Balancing on top of Japan’s Mount Fuji to rising above the Chicago Harbor Lighthouse, the moon’s position a couple days ago helped create some splendid nightscapes.

See, and share, more spectacular moonlit moments in the Harvest Moon 2013 gallery and Moon Full or Otherwise group.

Photos from shinichiro*, Dan Gabai, laura.nicli, gordeau, and katie47n.

Posted by Arnold Chao

The weekend in red and blue

Also available in: Français, Deutsch

Los Angeles

Reflections from a vanishing day

dream in an open place

Caminando hacia el otoño....

Derniers rayons sur la Gruyère

Photos from d.r.i.p., steinliland, =anja=, T.I.T.A., Arafinwë, and rbnisonfire, uploaded during the weekend.

Posted by Kay Kremerskothen