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Privacy Policy
Privacy Policy Summary
Verizon is Committed to Protecting Your Privacy
Protecting our customers' privacy is an important priority at Verizon. We are committed to maintaining strong and meaningful privacy protections for customers. Our privacy policy is designed to inform you about the information we collect, how we use it, and your options with regard to that collection and use. Key elements of our full privacy policy are summarized below.

Verizon's privacy policy applies to customers of the Verizon family of companies in the United States and to visitors to Verizon Web sites. It does not apply to Verizon Business customers outside the United States.
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Information We Collect and How We Use It
Verizon collects and uses information about our customers and Web visitors for a variety of purposes. Information may be obtained when you order and use our products and services, when you make customer service inquiries, or when you visit our Web sites.

We use such information to deliver, provide, and repair products or services; establish and maintain customer accounts and billing records; contact you about our products and services and better direct specific offers or promotions to you; monitor Web site statistics; monitor our customer service employees; or establish your online account and authenticate you during log-in.
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Third-Party Advertising:
You may see third-party advertisements on some Verizon Web sites. In some instances, third-party ad networks may seek to provide advertising that they believe is more relevant to your interests. In these instances, cookies may be used by ad networks to collect information about your visit to our Web sites and may be combined with information collected by these ad networks on other Web sites. You may limit this use.
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Information We Share
Within the Verizon Family of Companies:
Verizon shares customer information across our family of companies for marketing purposes unless you advise us not to. Specific laws govern our sharing of certain customer information known as Customer Proprietary Network Information.
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Outside the Verizon Family of Companies:
Except in certain circumstances explained in our privacy policy, Verizon does not sell, license or share information that individually identifies our customers with others outside of Verizon for non-Verizon purposes without your consent.
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How to Limit the Sharing and Use of Your Information
Your Choices
  • Customer Information:
    You may prohibit Verizon from sharing certain customer information, known as Customer Proprietary Network Information, within the Verizon family of companies for marketing categories of services other than those you currently have.
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  • Telemarketing:
    You may request to be removed from the Verizon telemarketing lists at any time.
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  • Marketing Email, Postal Mail and Door-to-Door Calls:
    You may opt out of receiving marketing-related emails, text messages, or postal mailings or prevent door-to-door marketing.
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  • Web Site Cookies:
    You may opt out of the automatic collection of information by our Web sites or by third-party advertisers on our sites.
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  • Wireless Location-based Services:
    Privacy features are available on Wireless location-based services we provide.
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  • FiOS TV Services:
    Specific cable-related privacy protections apply to Verizon's FiOS TV subscribers.
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  • Parental Controls:
    Age-based parental controls are available on Verizon's Internet, Wireless and TV services.
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Information Security
Verizon has technical, administrative and physical safeguards in place to help protect against unauthorized access to, use or disclosure of customer information we maintain.
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Other Important Information
If you have questions, concerns or suggestions related to our Privacy Policy or our privacy practices, you may contact us at:
Verizon Privacy Office
1320 N. Courthouse Rd. - 9th Floor
Arlington, VA 22201
Fax: 703-351-3669
Email: privacyoffice@verizon.com
You may correct inaccuracies in your information by calling a customer service representative or by accessing your online account and updating your information.
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If Verizon elects to use or disclose information that identifies you as an individual in a manner that is materially different from that stated in our policy at the time we collected that information from you, we will give you a choice regarding such use or disclosure by appropriate means.
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Verizon is a licensee of the TRUSTe Privacy Program.
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TRUSTe: Click to Verify

Updated June 2009

TRUSTe Privacy Program

Verizon Participates in the TRUSTe Privacy Program

TRUSTe: Click to Verify The TRUSTe seal confirms that Verizon is a licensee of the TRUSTe Privacy Program. TRUSTe is an independent organization that seeks to build users' trust and confidence in the Internet by promoting the use of fair information practices. Verizon wants you to feel confident about your privacy when you use our Web sites (verizon.com, verizonmarketing.com, verizonwireless.com, mci.com, verizonbusiness.com, vzw.com, vzwshop.com, and verizon.net) so we ask TRUSTe to review these sites to ensure compliance with its guidelines.

Please contact us if you have questions or concerns regarding our privacy policy. If you have not received acknowledgement of your inquiry or your inquiry has not been addressed satisfactorily, you should contact TRUSTe who then will serve as a liaison to help resolve your concerns.

The TRUSTe program covers only information that is collected through Verizon's Web sites and does not cover information that may be collected through software downloaded from the sites.

Better Business Bureau OnLine

Verizon is accredited by the Better Business Bureau OnLine (BBBOnLine)

Better Business Bureau: Accredited BusinessThe BBBOnLine seal confirms that Verizon is an accredited business that abides by the BBB's Code of Business Practices. This Code represents sound advertising and selling practices that enhance customer trust and confidence in a business. With regard to safeguarding privacy, the BBB Code requires accredited businesses to protect any data they collect against mishandling and fraud, collect personal information only as needed, and respect the preferences of customers regarding the use of their information.
© 2009 Verizon
TRUSTe Certified Privacy Better Business Bureau: Accredited Business