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We're ISO, the International Organization for Standardization. We develop and publish International Standards.

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What are the benefits of ISO International Standards?

ISO International Standards ensure that products and services are safe, reliable and of good quality. For business, they are strategic tools that reduce costs by minimizing waste and errors and increasing productivity. They help companies to access new markets, level the playing field for developing countries and facilitate free and fair global trade.

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ISO International Standards provide practical tools for tackling many of today’s global challenges. In the following sections you can learn about how International Standards work in the real world, and the benefits they bring to business, society and the environment.

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Developing countries






How green is green? ISO standards can help!

by Roger Frost on

A new ISO brochure will help both manufacturers and consumer representatives understand how a simple set of rules and guidelines provided by ISO standards can ensure that environmental claims made on products or labels can be trusted.

The free brochure, Environmental labels and declarations – How ISO standards can help, gives a concise and clear introduction to the ISO 14020 series of standards dealing with different aspects of environmental labels and declarations.

The brochure has been authored by leading experts from the ISO technical committee ISO/TC 207, Environmental management. In their introduction to the brochure, they write: "With the relentless focus on climate change and health, consumers are becoming more interested in less tangible product attributes such as the ethical and environmental aspects of a product’s production and supply. In response to this, manufacturers often voluntarily choose to provide information concerning the environmental aspects of their products on labelling and in advertising.

"In short, the environmental benefits of a company’s products, such as recyclability of packaging, are part of its overall marketing strategy. Smart businesses are making a virtue out of necessity by promoting the environmental features of their products. Getting a market benefit through environmental labelling makes sense, particularly where companies have made the investment in environmental improvement and putting environmental management systems in place."

The problem is that such information can leave a lot to be desired. It may be may be scientifically inaccurate or, even when accurate, confusing to the consumer.

"Does any of this matter?" ask the authors of the new brochure. "Well, consumers can only express their preferences through their purchasing decisions if they have access to accurate, comparable information.

"Consumers have the power to stimulate manufacturers to innovate because manufacturers may hope that improved environmental performance communicated to consumers means increased market share."

The ISO 14020 series provides businesses with a globally recognized and credible set of international benchmarks against which they can prepare their environmental labelling, which is increasingly used on products and in advertising, in response to consumer demand.

The new brochure presents the ISO 14020 series in clear and simple language to help manufacturers and consumer associations decide whether the standards can help advance their converging objective of informing the consumer in an accurate and understandable way.

The brochure, Environmental labels and declarations – How ISO standards can help, published in English and French, is available free of charge from the ISO Central Secretariat through the ISO Store or by contacting the Marketing, Communication & Information department. It can also be obtained from ISO national member institutes (see the complete list with contact details).

Environmental labels and declarations

Environmental labels and declarations – How ISO standards can help



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ISO Focus+, 1/2013

This month on ISO Focus+

Smart cities

Half of humanity lives in cities where waste, sewage and air pollution have become major problems. Governments, municipalities and the public at large can draw on ISO standards to meet the needs of city dwellers in a fast-paced and rapidly urbanizing world.

The January 2013 issue provides an overview of the major concerns of cities today and highlights how International Standards contribute to building smart cities by improving energy efficiency, increasing safety, planning sustainable urban development, developing reliable road networks and effective means of transportation, reducing pollution and dealing with water and wastewater management.

Read on to discover how ISO standards provide support for better, healthier and safer city living.

Current issue

ISO Focus+

Our monthly magazine draws attention to the vital role International Standards play in the global economy. The magazine is geared to an international readership of standards developers, industry and government regulators. Each month, we focus on a theme such as risk or the environment, to highlight the achievements of standards in the field. The magazine features interviews from top business executives, examples of management system standards in practice as well as an update on some of the newest International Standards.

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