Wang Yang

Hailing from one of the country's poorest provinces, Wang Yang lacks the revolutionary pedigree of the so-called "princeling" party leaders. Yet since taking office in 2007, Wang has led a far-reaching crackdown on corruption resulting in several high-profile convictions, including that of former Shenzhen mayor Xu Zongheng. He has also overseen a rise in government transparency, making the provincial capital of Guangzhou the mainland's first city to publish its budget.


'Uncivilised behaviour' of tourists is harming China's image, admits VP Wang Yang

Dire manners due to poor 'quality and breeding' to blame

Friday, 17 May, 2013, 5:09pm

The dire manners and “uncivilised behaviour” of some Chinese tourists abroad are harming the country’s image, said a top official who lamented their poor “quality and breeding”, according to state-run media.

Wang Yang, one of China’s four vice premiers, singled out for condemnation “talking loudly in public places, jay-walking, spitting and willfully carving characters on items in scenic zones”.

Such “uncivilised behaviours” were “often criticised by the media and have damaged the image of Chinese people and caused vicious impact”, he said, according to the website of the People’s Daily, the ruling Communist Party’s mouthpiece.

At a government meeting on Thursday on a new tourism law Wang said: “The quality and breeding of some tourists are not high yet.”

Chinese consumers have become increasingly affluent on the back of its economic boom and foreign holidays are ever more popular, with shopping often a key activity.

Destination countries, including debt-laden European states, have been easing visa restrictions to attract more tourists from China, but reports have also emerged of complaints about etiquette.

A mainland Chinese mother who asked her son to relieve himself in a bottle in a crowded Hong Kong restaurant sparked an outpouring of online anger in February.

“Improving the civilised quality of the citizens and building a good image of Chinese tourists are the obligations of governments at all levels and relevant agencies and companies,” said Wang, a former party chief of Guangdong province.

Authorities should “guide tourists to conscientiously abide by public order and social ethics, respect local religious beliefs and customs, mind their speech and behaviour ... and protect the environment,” he said.

Under the new Chinese law, travel agencies will be allowed to revoke their contracts with tourists who “engage in activities that violate social ethics”, although it does not specify examples.

Sara Jane Ho, principal of Institute Sarita in Beijing, China’s first high-end finishing school, said that rude behaviour stemmed from “a lack of international exposure and therefore lack of exposure to international etiquette”.

“Most Chinese do not behave this way on purpose,” she said. “My students, who are mostly young mothers, explain that you cannot blame us for not knowing how to behave because our parents never taught us.

“They grew up in a generation of basic survival; you don’t have the luxury to think about manners and personal space when trying to fight to the front of the food ration line.”

She added that “each generation of Chinese is getting better and better with education and travel”.

Earlier this year authorities in the wealthy eastern province of Jiangsu urged travellers to “take less cash, never show off money or valuables” after 23 Chinese visitors were robbed in Paris.


“Most Chinese do not behave this way on purpose,” she said. “My students, who are mostly young mothers, explain that you cannot blame us for not knowing how to behave because our parents never taught us.
“They grew up in a generation of basic survival; you don’t have the luxury to think about manners and personal space when trying to fight to the front of the food ration line.”
How TRUE this is! We Hong Kongers being civilized, should be more tolerant. If you're old enough to remember the old HK sixty years ago, HK people were no different than the mainlanders now.
Perhaps its time for China to include social culture in school?
Chinese Professor: Hong Kong Residents Are Dogs and Thieves Hence the intolerance for Mainlanders ........................
love thy neighbor ?
Many Hong Kong locals believe that most ****s cannot understand them - correct - but many do, in fact fluently, which reveals ****, GwaiTau, Gwaipoh Moh loh cha, Ah Cha , Sei ****, baak pei chue, lan yeung, etc are not the best comments/greetings to encourage mutual respect.
One might ask whom the tourist industry benefits in Hong Kong other than the airlines, tycoons owning the hotels and the property barons happy to receive the black money from elsewhere and property owners of Russell street, the most expensive retail street in the world thanks to Mainland visitors; then of course there are the Macau casinos and now Singapore casinos and how these dwarf Las Vegas thanks to the black money high rollers in the VIP rooms and the ubiquitous jewellery shop money laundries.
How is it that so many Mainland companies are allowed to open and trade through Hong Kong bank accounts and many operate trading scams through same (since overseas buyers trust Hong Kong ahead of the Mainland ) when in fact these companies are just cyber rip-off fronts ?
Is that also the reason why Mainland parents allow their kids to evacuate in shpping malls, on subways, on the street and in other public palces?
Is that also the reason why Mainland parents allow their kids to take dumps in shpping malls, on subways, on the street and in other public palces?

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