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When Ted Cruz Helped Craft Bush's Immigration Reform Plan NRA video

When Ted Cruz Helped Craft Bush's Immigration Reform Plan

Republican critics now scoff at the Texan's opposition to a pathway to citizenship because they know his history.

Did James Rosen's Story on North Korea Do Any Harm? Reuters

Did James Rosen's Story on North Korea Do Any Harm?

It's certainly possible, but the public has insufficient information to make a definitive judgment.

The Audacity of Eric Holder's Letter Admitting Team Obama Killed 4 Americans Reuters

The Audacity of Eric Holder's Letter Admitting Team Obama Killed 4 Americans

Its long overdue admissions are paired with praise for the president's supposed commitment to transparency.

What Would It Mean for Governments to Compete Like Businesses? Flickr

What Would It Mean for Governments to Compete Like Businesses?

Officials can deliver both high-quality public services and low tax rates to citizens by providing services for which outsiders are willing to pay a premium.

Don't Hold Your Breath Waiting for Public Opinion to Turn Against Obama AP

Don't Hold Your Breath Waiting for Public Opinion to Turn Against Obama

The president has a base of loyalists that won't quit and, at least for now, there's no evidence he was involved in any scandals.

Is Reporting on State Secrets Like Stealing Justin Bieber's Diary? Reuters

Is Reporting on State Secrets Like Stealing Justin Bieber's Diary?

A national security official in the Obama Administration makes that claim to defend the treatment of James Rosen.

What 'Stop the Leaks' Hardliners Don't Realize: They Can't and Won't Ever Win Flickr / eflon

What 'Stop the Leaks' Hardliners Don't Realize: They Can't and Won't Ever Win

If national security journalists are neutered, secrets will flow to transparency activists and the government will have even less control.

Oklahoma Tornado Fallout: The Sequester Cut Disaster Assistance and Weather-Warning Funds AP

Oklahoma Tornado Fallout: The Sequester Cut Disaster Assistance and Weather-Warning Funds

Disaster personnel and volunteers have to rely critical federal funding that's been slashed.

2 SCOTUS Judges in 1971: Espionage Act Doesn't Apply to the Press Reuters

2 SCOTUS Judges in 1971: Espionage Act Doesn't Apply to the Press

Justices Hugo Black and William O. Douglas specifically addressed a section of the law at issue today.

Costs of Spying on the AP That the Establishment Ignores Reuters

Costs of Spying on the AP That the Establishment Ignores

A press that's able to ferret out government secrets is more important than a government that can keep secrets.

1st Amendment Champion Hugo Black Rebukes Team Obama From the Grave Wikimedia Commons

1st Amendment Champion Hugo Black Rebukes Team Obama From the Grave

His concurrence in the Pentagon Papers case is worth revisiting as DOJ tries to criminalize national security journalism.

The Impossibility of Being Barack Obama

Every now and then we see how hard his balancing act is.

Beyond Rosen and the AP: Who Else Has the DoJ Put Under Surveillance? Reuters

Beyond Rosen and the AP: Who Else Has the DoJ Put Under Surveillance?

The AP, Fox News, and WikiLeaks were not the only outlets to find their sources embroiled in leak investigations.

How the Obama Administration Talks to Black America Jason Reed/Reuters

How the Obama Administration Talks to Black America

"Convenient race-talk" from a president who ought to know better

Obama's Troubles Could Put Massachusetts Senate Seat in Play Again AP

Obama's Troubles Could Put Massachusetts Senate Seat in Play Again

In 2010, Republicans won a special election during a low point of Obama's presidency. Will history repeat itself?

Two Takes on the Modern History of the 'Scandal' Reuters

Two Takes on the Modern History of the 'Scandal'

A system hard-wired for this 'narrative.'

The IRS's Bizarre Parsing of the Word 'Targeted' CNSNews.com

The IRS's Bizarre Parsing of the Word 'Targeted'

How the IRS could deny something that seems plainly true.

3 Followups on 3 'Scandals' Reuters

3 Followups on 3 'Scandals'

Searching for leakers inside an organization is one thing; dragging in reporters -- or doctors, or clergy -- is another, and usually a mistake.

How Obama Has Contributed to His Own Aura of Scandal Joshua Roberts/Reuters

How Obama Has Contributed to His Own Aura of Scandal

In his handling of multiple national security-related uproars, the president's biggest sin is being aloof and disengaged.

There Was No Surge in IRS Tax-Exempt Applications in 2010 Reuters

There Was No Surge in IRS Tax-Exempt Applications in 2010

Fewer groups sought recognition as 501(c)(4) social welfare organizations that year than in 2009, according to the Treasury Department.

Obama Goes on the Offensive, Hold the Charm AP

Obama Goes on the Offensive, Hold the Charm

The president's flurry of activity includes a challenge to the GOP on embassy security.

The Biggest Obama Scandals Are Proven and Ignored Reuters

The Biggest Obama Scandals Are Proven and Ignored

There is clear evidence that he has broken the law on multiple occasions. And not even Republicans seem to care.

How to Prevent the IRS From Abusing Its Power Again Reuters

How to Prevent the IRS From Abusing Its Power Again

Evaluate tax-exempt groups based on behavior rather than speculation, and compensate them for compliance costs.

A Newcomer's Guide to the 3 Obama Scandals Reuters

A Newcomer's Guide to the 3 Obama Scandals

Three dissimilar episodes, one of which is very bad.

The Real Benghazi Scandal Reuters

The Real Benghazi Scandal

Congressional investigators are pointing fingers in the wrong direction if they want to save more U.S. lives.

Sympathy for a Thwarted Eric Cantor Reuters

Sympathy for a Thwarted Eric Cantor

The tea-party movement he helped foster won't fall in line behind his efforts to push an alternative conservative agenda.

Why It Should Be Harder to Impeach a President Reuters

Why It Should Be Harder to Impeach a President

The majority of Republicans wanted to impeach Obama before the latest scandals. High partisanship and a low legal threshold are a recipe for self-destruction.

This Is Congress's Chance to Rein In the War on Terror Jonathan Ernst/Reuters

This Is Congress's Chance to Rein In the War on Terror

Today, the Armed Services Committee will hear more about proposed changes to the key law authorizing the never-ending conflict.

Chris Christie Is the Only Potential Presidential Contender with Crossover Appeal Reuters

Chris Christie Is the Only Potential Presidential Contender with Crossover Appeal

The numbers suggest that Christie could be the GOP's best candidate in a general election.

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Photos of Tornado Damage in Moore, Oklahoma

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