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Matthew O'Brien

Matthew O'Brien is an associate editor at The Atlantic covering business and economics. He has previously written for The New Republic.

Everything You Need to Know About the Crazy Plan to Save the Economy With a Trillion-Dollar Coin

Everything You Need to Know About the Crazy Plan to Save the Economy With a Trillion-Dollar Coin

The only thing we have to fear is fear of the trillion-dollar coin itself More »

The 1 Thing the World's Smartest People Don't Get About the Fed

The 1 Thing the World's Smartest People Don't Get About the Fed

Expectations. It's all about expectations. More »

Sorry, Latvia Is No Austerity Success Story

Sorry, Latvia Is No Austerity Success Story

Latvia's economy is doing worse than Iceland's, compared to their pre-recession levels. And Iceland basically went through national bankruptcy! More »

These 2 Tax Charts Tell You Exactly Who Won the Fiscal-Cliff Deal

These 2 Tax Charts Tell You Exactly Who Won the Fiscal-Cliff Deal

Households making between $200,000 and $500,000 saved the most compared to a world where we went off the cliff forever More »

The Most Important Thing Missing From the Proposed Fiscal-Cliff Deal

The Most Important Thing Missing From the Proposed Fiscal-Cliff Deal

The payroll tax cut is set to expire, and with it, about a half million jobs in the coming year More »

The Estate Tax Is a Huge Giveaway in the Fiscal-Cliff Talks

The Estate Tax Is a Huge Giveaway in the Fiscal-Cliff Talks

It will cost us $375 billion over the next decade if we keep the estate tax from going back to its Clinton-era levels More »

This Is How Much Your Taxes Will Rise If We Fall Off the Fiscal Cliff

This Is How Much Your Taxes Will Rise If We Fall Off the Fiscal Cliff

Beware the looming payroll tax hike! More »

Ben Bernanke's Secret Message to Congress: More Stimulus, Please

Ben Bernanke's Secret Message to Congress: More Stimulus, Please

The Fed says it will tolerate more inflation, but won't create it. Congress should. More »

Higher Taxes for All: The Dems' Terrible Fallback Plan for the Fiscal Cliff

Higher Taxes for All: The Dems' Terrible Fallback Plan for the Fiscal Cliff

Under the Senate's bill, If the expiring payroll tax doesn't get you, the expiring Bush tax cuts will. More »

How Much Would It Cost to Put Guards with Guns in Every Public School?

How Much Would It Cost to Put Guards with Guns in Every Public School?

Not that much, but that doesn't mean it makes sense. More »

Everything You Need To Know About the Economy in 2012, in 34 Charts

Everything You Need To Know About the Economy in 2012, in 34 Charts

Eat your heart out, Ross Perot. Here are all the economic charts that mattered in 2012. More »

A Fiscal Cliff Deal Is Close (Maybe)—Here's What It Would Mean for Jobs

A Fiscal Cliff Deal Is Close (Maybe)—Here's What It Would Mean for Jobs

The rumored grand bargain would cost the economy about half a million jobs in 2013 More »

The Big Secret of Poland's Economic Success—and What It Means for Us

The Big Secret of Poland's Economic Success—and What It Means for Us

Ben Bernanke shouldn't forget about Poland when it comes to monetary policy More »

The Man Who Occupied the Fed: How Charles Evans Saved the Recovery

The Man Who Occupied the Fed: How Charles Evans Saved the Recovery

Chicago Fed president Charles Evans has gone from dissenter to intellectual leader in just a year. The future of the recovery might be at stake More »

I Can't Stop Looking at These Terrifying Long-Term Unemployment Charts

I Can't Stop Looking at These Terrifying Long-Term Unemployment Charts

Unemployment looks normal for everyone except those out of work for six months or longer. If we don't act soon, the long-term unemployed will become unemployable More »

Marco Rubio's Terrible Idea About the Fed Is Just What It Needs

Marco Rubio's Terrible Idea About the Fed Is Just What It Needs

A single mandate for nominal GDP, instead of inflation, could help the Fed save the economy More »

The Mystery of Housing's Jobless Recovery

The Mystery of Housing's Jobless Recovery

Housing is recovering but housing jobs are not. More »

Bowles-Simpson Raises Taxes on the Super-Rich More Than Obama

Bowles-Simpson Raises Taxes on the Super-Rich More Than Obama

Some rich people accuse Obama of class warfare while they praise the bipartisan deficit commission. Do they realize that the latter raises taxes more on the top 0.1%?(Reuters)Pop quiz, hotshot. Which fiscal cliff plan raises taxes on the rich more, President Obama's or Bowles-Simpson? The answer is ... both. Obama's plan increases taxes more on the top 1 percent, but Bowles-Simpson increases taxes more on the top 0.1 percent. The chart below breaks down the top-end… More »

Everything You Need to Know About the Fiscal Cliff Plans, in Charts

Everything You Need to Know About the Fiscal Cliff Plans, in Charts

Here's how the Bowles-Simpson, Obama, and Republican fiscal cliff plans match up More »

The Biggest Bank Bailouts in History (#2 Is Happening Right Now)

The Biggest Bank Bailouts in History (#2 Is Happening Right Now)

Cyrpus' bank bailout is making history, but it hasn't caught one disaster from the 1990s More »

The Biggest Story in Photos

Winners of the National Geographic Photo Contest 2012

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