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Zvika Krieger

Zvika Krieger is a contributing editor at The Atlantic, where he coordinates Middle East coverage for, and a senior vice president at the S. Daniel Abraham Center for Middle East Peace. He was previously an editor and writer at The New Republic and a correspondent for Newsweek based in Egypt and Lebanon, covering most of the Arab world. More

Krieger has received fellowships to study topics including the Muslim Brotherhood in Jordan, the Kifaya reform movement in Egypt, public health in Bombay slums, religious identity in Kashmir, historical memory in Palestinian refugee camps in the West Bank, and the role of religion in Lebanese politics. He has also reported from such places as Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Libya, North Ireland, Sri Lanka, Japan, and Korea. His work has also appeared in The Wall Street Journal, Guardian, Slate, New York, Arab Reform Bulletin, New Stateman, Chronicle of Higher Education, Daily Star (Lebanon), Cairo Magazine, Jerusalem Post, Christian Science Monitor, and various other publications, and he has appeared as a Middle East analyst on NBC News, CNN, Fox News, and Air America. His writings have earned him awards from the Overseas Press Club, the Scripps Howard Foundation, and the MacMillan Center for International and Area Studies. He is a fellow at the Truman National Security Project. He has a bachelor's degree in Middle East Studies from Yale University and studied Arabic at the American University in Cairo.

Welcome to 'Fortress Gaza,' Home of the Newly Radicalized Hamas

Welcome to 'Fortress Gaza,' Home of the Newly Radicalized Hamas

The Palestinian terrorist group's leader Khaled Mishaal announced his resignation this week. What does this mean for the organization's future? More »

The Answers to Mitt Romney's Israel-Palestine Apathy

The Answers to Mitt Romney's Israel-Palestine Apathy

In a video leaked this week, the presidential candidate raised some legitimate concerns about Middle East peace. Here are the solutions he didn't seem to know about. More »

Dani Dayan's War: Can Israeli Settlers Control Both the West Bank and Themselves?

Dani Dayan's War: Can Israeli Settlers Control Both the West Bank and Themselves?

The man who heads an organization of 300,000 settlers is declaring victory in his fight against the two-state solution. But is he losing control of his own movement? More »

The Politics of Counter-Terrorism, the U.S., and Leaving Out Israel

The Politics of Counter-Terrorism, the U.S., and Leaving Out Israel

Controversy erupted when the United States did not include Israel in a counter-terror initiative. In this case, that might have been for the best. More »

The Right-Wing Israeli Case That the Arab Spring Is Good for Israel

The Right-Wing Israeli Case That the Arab Spring Is Good for Israel

The popular uprisings across the Middle East have found surprising boosters: some right-wing opponents of the two-state solution. More »

The Dangers of Flirting with Hamas

The Dangers of Flirting with Hamas

In trying to play Israel and Hamas off of one another, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas might accidentally end up in a unity government with the terrorist group. More »

Netanyahu's Bad Weekend

Netanyahu's Bad Weekend

Israel's governing coalition -- until recently rock-solid -- is under assault. The country's political landscape could be about to change dramatically. More »

How to Evacuate 100,000 Israelis From the West Bank

How to Evacuate 100,000 Israelis From the West Bank

The two-state solution is still practically feasible -- if only the political leadership could deliver it. More »

The Muslim Brotherhood's Bold New Strategy

The Muslim Brotherhood's Bold New Strategy

The Egyptian Islamist group is trying to consolidate its new-found power -- and fielding a presidential candidate. More »

Lost Moments: The Arab Peace Initiative, 10 Years Later

Lost Moments: The Arab Peace Initiative, 10 Years Later

What Israel can learn today from a missed opportunity in 2002. More »

Israel's Settlement Crisis: It's Not Too Late for a Two-State Solution

Israel's Settlement Crisis: It's Not Too Late for a Two-State Solution

Which settlements would be excluded from Israel if Palestine gains statehood? More »

Egypt vs. Israel: How Congress Weighs the Risks of Cutting Our Aid to Cairo

Egypt vs. Israel: How Congress Weighs the Risks of Cutting Our Aid to Cairo

As more Congressmen threaten to withhold money from a backsliding Egypt, do they understand what it could mean for Israel and the three-decade peace treaty? More »

Does Obama Really Support the Hamas-Fatah Unity Agreement?

Does Obama Really Support the Hamas-Fatah Unity Agreement?

Exploring America's options if Hamas joins the Palestinian government. More »

Who Bullied the Susan G. Komen Foundation Into Cutting Funding?

Who Bullied the Susan G. Komen Foundation Into Cutting Funding?

Karen Handel, the recently-departed Komen VP contradicts her organization in explaining the reasoning for defunding Planned Parenthood. More »

Israel's Love-Hate Relationship with the United Nations

Israel's Love-Hate Relationship with the United Nations

Israel just won a seat on the executive board of the United Nations Development Program, sending a strong message to pro-Israel UN-bashers in America. More »

Israel's New Political Star

Israel's New Political Star

Reading between the lines of Yair Lapid's position on Jerusalem. More »

Does Israel Really Need to Control the Jordan Valley?

Does Israel Really Need to Control the Jordan Valley?

The recent Israeli-Palestinian talks in Amman highlight the gaps between the two sides on security, but also opportunities. More »

Why Won't Abbas Negotiate?

Why Won't Abbas Negotiate?

For the Palestinian leader, there is a real cost to coming back to the table. More »

Is Hamas Becoming More Moderate?

Is Hamas Becoming More Moderate?

The Palestinian group may be softening on key issues More »

Transcript for 'Is Peace Possible?' Chapter 4: Jerusalem

The text for the final installment in our four-part series on the key barriers to peace in the Middle East More »

Special Report
Community Health The Atlantic Community Health
Medical providers, local groups, and the public wellness movement. Read more ›


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