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The Left’s Todd Akin?

Conservatives have been trying to turn Colorado lawmaker Joe Salazar into the left’s Todd Akin this week over comments he made about guns and rape. Now, New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg’s gun control group is coming to his defense.

Nick R. Martin


The whole debate about ‘whose sequester it is’ is basically moronic. But Boehner should really have figured on this PowerPoint surfacing when he bet everything on saying sequester was all Obama’s idea.

Josh Marshall


Breitbart reporter goes to the matt defending his reporting on now-admittedly non-existent group “Friends of Hamas.” New line seems to be that even if the group didn’t exist, his reporting on it was rock solid.

Josh Marshall
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Not About McCain

As we’ve noted over the last 18 hours, John McCain held his first town halls in Arizona since immigration reform became headline news again in the era of ‘We All Love Immigration Reform’. One was more or less normal. The other McCain got an earful – much as you might have expected at any other time in the last half dozen years. Remember, immigration reform almost upended McCain’s run for President in 2008 and forced his move to the right on the issue in his 2010 “danged fence” reelection campaign.

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Josh Marshall

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NRA Pulls Out Obama ‘Guns And Religion’ Line

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Jackson’s Guilty Plea: ‘For Years I Lived Off My Campaign’

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How Obama’s Path To Citizenship Actually Works

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Bloomberg Group Defends Colorado Lawmaker, Calls Rape Comments ‘Inartful’

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Axelrod: If Money In Politics Is Inevitable, Let It Go Straight To Candidates

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PowerPoint Presentation Shows Boehner Selling The Sequester To His Members In 2011

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Obama Tries To Bury The Hatchet With Rubio

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