Everyone Ready for Mother’s Day?

Last year we took a look at how people were preparing for Mother’s Day, and this year we thought we’d bring you a new take on the holiday.

We analyzed the difference between the types of people who bought Mom a gift a couple of weeks ago, versus people who still haven’t bought anything for her yet. This information’s based on shoppers looking for Mother’s Day gifts online in the past few weeks!

Mother’s Day Planners Mother’s Day Procrastinators
Lives in the South and West Coast Lives on the East Coast
Single or Married without Kids Married with kids
Less likely to own a pet More likely to own a dog
Drives a sports car or convertible Drives a minivan or SUV
3 times more likely to cook brunch 2 times more like to make brunch reservations
Shares to Pinterest and Tumblr Shares to Facebook
Shopped for gifts on laptops and tablets Currently shopping on iPhone and Android phones
Shopped for apparel and cooking gadgets You might be getting flowers

Whether you bought your gifts a week ago or are still shopping, we’ll be celebrating Moms this weekend. So make sure you go out and get her something nice!

  • Linda Rawlings

    Here’s to the mommies, bless them all.

  • http://twitter.com/ISISDAWN10 Linda Merchant

    happy mothers day to all the moms.i wish my Lyndsey were here,she
    d be a mom by now if she would of lived.

  • Bernd

    Alles gute für alle Mütter dieser Welt. Was täten wir ohne euch?

  • http://businessorientedskills.com/ John Constantine

    Everyone love mom because others love expect something from u but mother’s love is only taking care of children’s Health

    My wishes to all Mom’s.