
34 Backlinks Outrank 5,081

We found a website with only 34 backlinks for keyword ‘bad credit loans’ that had much better rankings on Google than 2 his competitors with 1,080 and 5,081 backlinks for the same keyword!

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How To Avoid Google Penalty?

Every link you get from your link building campaign is thoroughly monitored and traced by Google. If Google or its SPYders do not like something in your links, the whole link popularity campaign may be treated as “unnatural”.

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How LinksManagement Updates PageRanks and Prices of The Backlink Pages During Google Dance and PageRank Updates

If the PageRank of the purchased backlink changes, LinksManagement will automatically change the price for this backlink for the next month. If the PR drops, the price will be automatically lowered, so you will never overpay for links, which lost their PR. If the PR increases, the price will be automatically increased in according to the new PR (this will make sure that the publisher won’t cancel the link if the PageRank has increased since he’ll start to receive new higher payment for this link as well).

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Link Juice Flow & The Importance of Link Age

For you to make the right decisions regarding the effectiveness of your link building campaign, you should know that NOT all link juice (PR Weight) is passed to your website at once after the link is built. In fact, for most links it will take up to 6 months for the PR Weight to be passed to your website for 100%. Take a look at the table below showing the percentage of PR Weight passed from PR4-PR6 backlinks during the first 6 months of use.

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Google Traffic Distribution Stats

Did you know that 42.13% of visitors click on the #1 spot on Google search results? Isn’t that staggering? 11.90% click on #2 and 8.5% on #3. This reduces in increments all the way down to only 2.85% clicking on #9. The difference can be as dramatic as having 1,000 clicks on #1 and only 147 on #9. A BIG difference.

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