Digital Collections Combined Search Now Available

The Digital Libraries Division recently released a new combined search for the UNT Digital Collections. This new service provides search access to all items in The Portal to Texas History and the UNT Digital Library, as well as the new Gateway to Oklahoma History which is hosted by the UNT Libraries.

The combined search allows users to search the full text of all items or limit their search to just the metadata record, title, creator, or subject of the item. Once a search has been submitted, a search results list appears with a number of facet fields present on the left-hand side. These facets allow users to further refine their search by drilling down to specific results. From there the user can click on a particular item and be taken directly to the site that hosts it.  

screen capture of combined search box with results

All of this can be accomplished from anywhere on the UNT Libraries' web site by using the “Find” tab. As new content is added to the UNT Digital Collections, it will immediately be available through this combined search service.


--submitted by Mark Phillips, Assistant Dean for Digital Libraries, and Nancy Reis, Publications Specialist, Digital Libraries Division