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Group Pool ( 342 photos  |  Only members can add to the pool. Join? )

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view profile Luke Williams (a group admin) says:
11 Jun 08 - The new photo gallery is now live. Photos submitted to this group will be showcased there (with link back to the photo's page on Flickr)

Please remember to geotag your photos before trying to submit. Information is below.


We're looking for digital photos that illustrate the beauty and diversity of the Natural State. Have you taken any photos lately that fall within the categories of landscape, architecture, recreation or wildlife? If so, please submit your photos for consideration.

This is a moderated photo gallery and all submissions will be reviewed by our staff before being made publicly available in the group. We reserve the right not to post photos we deem inappropriate, of poor image quality or do not fall within the criteria for submission. We require that all images are geotagged and those geotags made public with their location in Arkansas before submitting to the group pool. Click the "Place this photo on a map" link on the photo's page or use the Organize tool to place your images on the map.

Additional Information

This group is public This is a public group.

  • View the group rules.
  • Members can post 5 things to the pool each day.
  • Accepted media types:
    • Photos
  • Accepted content types:
    • Photos
  • Accepted safety levels:
    • Safe
  • Content must have geo information:
    • Yes