News and Events


Kirtsaeng Overturned: A Win for Libraries

The United States Supreme Court held today that buying books abroad and selling them in the United States is not a violation of copyright law. Instead, it is well within the rights of an individual under the first sale doctrine.


UNT Libraries Leads Information Literacy Collaboration

In our rapidly changing and information-rich world, information literacy is a critical skill that crosses all disciplines, learning environments and education levels. Unfortunately, many students enter post-secondary education with inadequate information literacy skills, something that Gayla Byerly, librarian and instruction coordinator at UNT Libraries, sees all too often.


Born Digital Newspapers

We acquire born digital newspaper PDF print masters in an effort to preserve and make these more recent newspaper issues publicly available on The Portal to Texas History.  Even though these newspapers are not old, they are still historic--representing the timeline of a community's existence.


La Carpa Cubana has come to town!

So just what is the Carpa Cubana?  Basically, they were circus performers. The "carpas" combined traditional circus acts such as acrobats and clowns with theatrical performances such as singing, dancing, and comedy routines.

What's Happening in the Libraries?

Did You Know?

Exhibit, Publications, Presentations, Grants, and other Scholarly Output from the UNT Libraries