1940 U.S. Census Seal
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At Archives.com you will be among the first to be able to search the 1940 census by name. This searchable index is being created by hundreds of thousands of dedicated volunteers who, like us, are committed to making the 1940 census free and easy to search.

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Explore the 1940 Census
1940 census images are being added to Archives.com as the name-indexes come online. If you’d like to browse 1940 census images that don’t have complete name-indexes yet, please visit the website we created for the U.S. National Archives 1940census.archives.gov.
Journey Through American Family History Using the United States Census.
The first federal census was conducted in 1790, when America was beginning to grow as a country just after having gained independence from the British Empire. Over the course of the next 220 years, 23 censuses have collected tons of data and statistics giving us a tremendous look into the evolution of American life. Learn More »