This Week in PLOS NTDs and Pathogens: Advancing Neurocysticercosis Research; Ivermectin vs. Onchocerciasis; Rhoptries Revealed; and HCV-Induced Liver Disease

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The following new articles are publishing in PLOS NTDs this week:

Neurocysticercosis (NCC) is the most common cause of adult acquired epilepsy worldwide and one the most frequent parasitic infections associated with chronic morbidity encountered in the United States, but …

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Malaria: Targets and Drugs for All Stages

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More drugs for malaria: time to expand the antimalarial portfolio

Malaria is an ancient enemy. Its treatments predate modern drug discovery, most notably the use of the Qinghao plant in ancient China (2nd century BC to 340 CE) …

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World Malaria Day 2013: Invest in the Future: Defeat Malaria

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Since World Malaria Day was first instituted in 2007 by World Health Organization Member States, great progress has been made in malaria prevention, detection and treatment. Even so, over half a million people die each year from this disease, many …

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DNA Day and World Malaria Day: The Sickle Cell/Malaria Link Revisited

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Mr. YOU 2Today is both DNA Day and World Malaria Day. As I was pondering how to connect the topics, e-mail arrived from my “son,” a medical student in Liberia. He had malaria, again, and this time it had gone to …

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Seasonal Malaria Chemoprevention: Good News in a Year Marked by Malaria Emergencies

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Estrella Lasry from Médecins Sans Frontières reflects on the roll out of seasonal malaria chemoprevention in Mali and Chad.

In 2012, MSF projects in several countries saw an important increase in cases of malaria, a prolonged peak in areas of …

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Better Living Through Biotechnology? A Book Review

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frankensteins_cat-620x412With a title that conjures images of man made monsters, Emily Anthes’ first book, Frankenstein’s Cat, Cuddling Up to Biotech’s Brave New Beasts,  invites us to explore the science that allows us to fundamentally alter the animals that …

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TEDMEDLive at London’s Imperial College – Part Two

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Following our live posts from TEDMED 2013 in Washington DC, this week we cross the Atlantic and hand the reigns of PLOS TGH over to Alex from the team at TEDMEDLive –  Imperial College. 


TEDMEDLive had seen a fantastic start …

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Name That Ant!

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This post originally appeared on the SciStarter blog on April 24, 2013.


“Never judge an ant at first glance,” warns Dr. Eleanor Spicer Rice, myrmecologist and head of the School of Ants project.

Meet Forelius pruinosus. At first glance, …

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Should the Alcohol Industry Inform Evidence-Based Health Policy?

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In a Policy Forum article published in this week’s PLOS Medicine Jim McCambridge and colleagues analyze submissions made by Alcohol Industry actors to the Scottish Government’s 2008 consultation on ‘Changing Scotland’s relationship with alcohol.’ The Scottish Government’s report was significant …

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Hearing Voices: PTSD and Auditory Hallucinations

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One of the greatest benefits of being affiliated with a major university is the opportunities that often arise to engage in interdisciplinary collaboration.  I was invited, by Composer and researcher Jonathan Berger, to present at the seventh annual Music and

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