Recent Ph.D. Graduates

Fall 2011

Dr. Sarin Anantarak from the Department of Finance is an independent consultant. Dr. Anantarak’s dissertation title was “Economic Motivation of the Ex-Dividend Day Anomaly: Evidence from an Alternative Tax Environment”. Her major professor was Dr. James Conover.

Dr. Leticia Holguin Anaya from the Department of Information Technology and Decision Sciences accepted a position as assistant professor with the UNT Engineering Department. Dr. Anaya’s dissertation title was “Comparing Latent Dirichlet Allocation and Latent Semantic Analysis as Classifiers”. Her major professor was Dr. Nicholas Evangelopoulos.

Dr. Kevin Jones from the Department of Finance accepted a position as assistant professor with the University of Houston, Clearlake. Dr. Jones’ dissertation title was “Risk Management and Market Efficiency on the Midwest Independent System Operator Electricity Exchange”. His major professor was Dr. Imre Karafiath.

Dr. Shani Robinson from the Department of Accounting accepted a position as assistant professor with Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, Texas. Dr. Robinson’s dissertation title was “An Experimental Examination of the Effects of Goal Framing and Time Pressure on Auditors’ Professional Skepticism”. Her major professor was Dr. Mary B. Curtis.

Spring 2012

Dr. Sally Samih Baalbaki from the Department of Marketing accepted a position as assistant professor with the Metropolitan State College of Denver. Dr. Baalbaki’s dissertation title was “Consumer Perception of Brand Equity Measurement: A New Scale”. Her major professor was Dr. Francisco Guzman.

Dr. Josh Daspit from the Department of Management accepted a position as assistant professor at Mississippi State. Dr. Daspit’s dissertation title was “Absorptive Capacity: An Empirical Examination of the Phenomenon and Relationships with Firm Capabilities”. His major professor was Dr. Derrick D’Souza.

Dr. Erin McLaughlin from the Department of Management accepted a position as assistant professor at Nova Southeastern at Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Dr. McLaughlin’s dissertation title was “An Emotional Business: The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Entrepreneurial Success”. Her major professor was Dr. Warren Watson.

Dr. Renee M. Olvera from the Department of Accounting accepted a position as assistant professor at Texas Christian University. Dr. Olvera’s dissertation title was “Auditors’ Information Search and Documentation: Does Knowledge of the Client Preference or PCAOB Accountability Pressure Matter?” Her major professor was Dr. Mary B. Curtis.

Dr. Rhonda J. Richards from the Department of Information Technology and Decision Sciences accepted a position as assistant professor at Southeastern Oklahoma State University. Dr. Richards’ dissertation title was “A Study of the Intent to Fully Utilize Electronic Personal Health Records in the Context of Privacy and Trust”. Her major professor was Dr. John Windsor.

Summer 2012

Dr. Wai-Kwan (Elaine) Lau from the Department of Management accepted a position as assistant professor at Northeastern State, Oklahoma. Dr. Lau’s dissertation title was “A Study of Effective Leadership in the Chinese Context”. Her major professor was Dr. Vicki Goodwin.

Dr. Trang Phuc Tran from the Department of Marketing accepted a position as assistant professor at State University in New York. Dr. Tran’s dissertation title was “Regulatory Orientation, Message Framing and Influences of Fit on Customer Behaviors”. His major professor was Dr. Audhesh Paswan.

Dr. Chao Wen from the Department of Information Technology and Decision Sciences accepted a position as assistant professor at Eastern Illinois University at Charleston. Dr. Wen’s dissertation title was “The Impact of Quality on Customer Behavioral Intentions Based on the Consumer Decision Making Process as Applied in E-Commerce”. His major professor was Dr. Victor Prybutok.

Dr. Atefeh Yazdanparast Ardestani from the Department of Marketing accepted a position as assistant professor at the University of Evansville in Indiana. Dr. Yazdanparast Ardestani’s dissertation title was “The Quest for Perfect Appearnace: An Examination of the Role of Objective Self-Awareness Theory and Emotions”. Her major professor was Dr. Nancy Spears.