Physical Review A

About Physical Review A

Physical Review A provides a dependable resource of worldwide developments in the rapidly evolving area of atomic, molecular, and optical physics and related fundamental concepts. The journal contains articles on quantum mechanics including quantum information theory, atomic and molecular structure and dynamics, collisions and interactions (including interactions with surfaces and solids), clusters (including fullerenes), atomic and molecular processes in external fields, matter waves (including Bose-Einstein condensation), and optics, both quantum and classical.   More...

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Rapid icon  Quantum uncertainty relation saturated by the eigenstates of the harmonic oscillator

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New Saved Search Feature for APS Journals

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Editorial: Renewed Standards for Rapid Communications in Physical Review A

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APS Announces 149 New Outstanding Referees for 2012

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Samuel A. Goudsmit Papers available online

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Editorial: Redefining Length

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APS Updates all Scanned Archival PDFs in our Physical Review Online Archive

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American Physical Society continues as MathJax Supporter

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Editorial: Uncertainty Estimates

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Deepest care and concern for colleagues in Japan

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APS to Adopt Creative Commons Licensing and Publish Open Access Articles and Journals

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Did you know?

In 2011, 4081 referees reviewed one or more papers for Physical Review A.