
Graduate opportunities

A graduate degree in Physics from the University of North Texas provides you the same high-quality instruction, individual attention, resources and breadth of programs found at the finest private universities and other public research institutions.

The Department of Physics offers course work leading to Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy degrees in Physics. You’ll use state-of- the-art equipment in modern laboratories, participating in world-class research with some of the country’s best physicists.

During your studies, you may perform research in many areas including:

  • Experimental accelerator-based materials modification and analysis
  • Experimental condensed matter physics
  • Theoretical and experimental atomic physics
  • Theoretical nonlinear dynamics

Success awaits

More than 50 full-time graduate students pursue research under the supervision of about 20 faculty members, making our physics program one of the largest in Texas. A friendly and supportive team spirit characterizes the physics research laboratories and classrooms.

We also offer a variety of other valuable opportunities to prepare you for success. Typically, our students graduate with at least two publications in professional literature. Regional, national and international meetings of professional organizations such as the American Physical Society also are regularly held on campus. This helps you meet potential employers and future colleagues, make valuable networking contacts, and develop professional skills.

Our curriculum presents important hands-on experiences dealing with authentic problems of a practical, tech-driven nature, whether you pursue a career in academia or in a laboratory. Doors will be opened to a wide variety of exciting fields such as medicine, education, information technology, computer programming, government or industry.

Research opportunities

The research you’ll perform here is relevant to technological applications in today’s society.

Faculty members and graduate students have investigated co-polymer gels that exhibited unique properties with applications for drug delivery systems in biological environments, among other possibilities.

One of our graduate students is credited with the discovery of an asteroid, “2007 KH-16K,” as part of the International Asteroid Search Campaign.

Departmental research facilities

Departmental research facilities include:

Ion Beam Modification and Analysis Laboratory provides four electrostatic accelerators and ancillary equipment to support studies of materials modification and analysis by ion beams.

Polymer Gels and Hydrogels Research Laboratory addresses the investigation and development of the unique properties of gel materials.

Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Laboratory includes instrumentation permitting examination of nanomaterials such as carbon nanotubes with single atom resolution

Sputter-Initiated Resonance Ionization Spectroscopy (SIRIS) laboratory serves as a testing ground for analyzing materials through selected resonant ionization of sputtered neutral particles.

Ultrafast Spectroscopy and Nanophotonics Laboratory is a laser-based laboratory where femtosecond pulses illuminate the subtleties of nanostructures and other exotic materials.

Monroe Robotic Observatory is an array of small aperture telescopes search for exoplanets.

Attending UNT

Admission requirements

Master’s degree

You must meet the admission requirements of the Toulouse Graduate School and the department. Successful applicants usually have a minimum 3.0 GPA and a minimum score of 640 on the quantitative portion of the GRE, with a score of 4 or higher on the analytical section. For details, contact the physics department or visit

Doctoral degree

Admission requires a satisfactory performance on the doctoral qualifying examination after completion of the basic graduate physics curriculum, usually at the end of the second year. More information about program admission is at

Degree requirements

Master’s degree

The M.S. degree may be earned by completing 33 semester hours with a formal written report resulting from PHYS 5920 and PHYS 5930, Research Problems in Lieu of Thesis, or by completing 36 semester hours and passing the master’s terminal examination.

Ph.D. degree

The Ph.D. degree represents the attainment of a high level of scholarship and achievement in independent research. It requires a minimum of 60 semester hours beyond the master’s degree or 90 hours beyond the bachelor’s degree. After the qualifying examination, you will write a proposal for research, which must be approved by your graduate advisory committee. The research that follows culminates with your written dissertation and oral defense, which must be approved by your advisory committee.

Financial assistance

Our department offers several graduate teaching assistantships of more than $1,500 per month for nine months and the possibility of summer employment. Research assistantships also are frequently available for returning students. Such aid is accompanied by an out-of-state tuition waiver as well as the possibility for competitive tuition remission grants.

You should apply at the earliest opportunity. New physics graduate students may be considered for other graduate school fellowships. You must be nominated for the fellowships by the department.

More information about other financial assistance programs is at