Frequently Asked Questions

Returning Items

  1. Can I return books to the Dallas Campus Library?

    Yes. While it is preferable that books be returned to the library where they were checked out, it is possible to return them to the Dallas Campus Library.

  2. Can I return Media Library materials after hours?

    Yes, please refer to the Media Library's Returning Items to the Libraries page for information about drop box locations and guidelines.

  3. Where do I return library items I have checked out?

    The simplest answer is, where you checked them out. However...

    • Book drops are located at each of the library services desks that have circulation-related services. Simply deposit your items here any hour of the day.
    • Audio and Media items can be returned to someone working at the music or media service desk.
    • Outside drop boxes are located near the entrances of each of our libraries. Drop materials off here after hours.
    • There is a street book drop on W. Highland St. near Willis Library.

    Please return special checkout materials to the desks where they were checked out.