All FAQs

1. Can an unaffiliated group use the library's CPR mannequins?

Yes, as long as the person checking them out is a library cardholder in good standing and in one of the eligible patron groups.  A $10 rental fee per mannequin applies.  See the Borrowing Policies for the types of items available for check-out to your patron group.

2. Can I charge photocopies or computer prints to a departmental account?

Yes, if the department has established a group account in the Pharos copy/print payment system.  The department must provide you with the password; the library staff does not have access to it.  You will find the Interdepartmental Transfer (IDT) form needed to create or replenish an account on our Forms page.

3. Can I check out any book or media item in the Library?

No.  Some items, such as journals and reserve books, are restricted to use in the building. See the Borrowing Policies for more information.

4. Can I check out library materials for someone else?

Generally, no; the person to whom the materials are being checked out must be present.  Faculty members may authorize a proxy--an assistant who can check out items to the faculty member's account.  You will find the authorization form on the Forms page of our website.

5. Can I get on a waiting list or place a hold on reserve items?

No. In order to be as fair as possible, all reserve items are first come, first served.

6. Can I place my own works on reserve?

You may use your own works if you are the copyright holder. Most publishing agreements, however, assign the copyright to the publisher, not the author. This means that the publisher’s permission is still required for anything that exceeds the limits of our license or the Fair Use exemption.

7. Can I put e-reserves on the Library website myself?

Through ERes, our online course reserve system, you can upload new files for your course. These must be processed by Library staff before they are accessible to students. The appropriate staff members are alerted automatically when a new file is uploaded. Contact the Library's Circulation Department (817-735-2465, to establish your ERes account.

8. Can I put multiple copies on reserve?

Yes, if this is justified by the class size. We have a limit of one book per 30 students, and the Library will accept a maximum of three copies for reserve.

9. Can I put on reserve the same materials that I used before?

Yes, with some restrictions. Originals and most currently licensed resources pose no problems whatsoever. Unlicensed photocopies or electronic copies, however, can be used only once under the Fair Use exemption of the copyright law. Subsequent uses require permission from the publisher and, typically, payment of royalties. The Library staff can assist with obtaining permissions, and any royalty payments will be passed through to the department. The cost varies according to the work, the duration of the use, and the number of students in the class.

10. Can I renew a reserve item?

No, renewals are not permitted so that availability can be maximized.   For two-hour and four-hour items, there is a required waiting period of 30 minutes before the same person can check out the same item again. For all other items, you must wait until the Library opens on the following day.

11. Can reserve materials be taken outside the library?

For items with a 24-hour or a 3-day loan period, the answer is obviously yes. Two-hour and four-hour items must be used in the library. The only exception made is for the instructor who placed the item on reserve.

12. Do I need a password to use e-reserves?

No password is needed to access the course reserve list from the Library website, or to use any e-reserves that are not protected by copyright or license agreement. If you are not on the UNTHSC network, you will be asked to enter your UNTHSC network user name and password when linking to our licensed resources. Locally prepared e-reserves that are covered by copyright are protected with a password that the instructor will give to the members of the class. The password should not be shared with anyone else.  If you forget it, contact the instructor, not the Library.

13. Does the Library provide access to UpToDate?

The Library does not subscribe to UpToDate, primarily due to its high cost. However, we do subscribe to DynaMed, an excellent point-of-care tool for healthcare providers. It is available from our Databases page and from the “Shortcuts to Resources” menu on our home page. A mobile version is available at no charge to UNTHSC users; instructions can be found on the Databases Tutorials & Help page.

14. How can I renew an item that I have borrowed?


  1. From the Library home page, click the Renew Items/View Account link in the left-side Express Lane. 
  2. Log in with your last name, ID or library card number, and PIN.  If you haven't established a PIN, leave the PIN box blank and click Submit; you then will be prompted to create one.  (If you have forgotten your PIN, please contact the Service Desk so that it can be reset.) 
  3. Check the materials that you want to renew and click Submit.  Look for the new due date to verify that your materials were renewed.
There are several reasons why you may not be able to renew your materials online: your account may be blocked because of the number of overdue notices sent to you for currently checked-out materials; the amount of fines you owe is over $15; you have reached your renewal limit; another patron has placed a hold/recall request on the item you are trying to renew; or your account has expired. If you are unable to renew your items, please contact the Service Desk.

There are several other ways to renew eligible materials:

Call the Service Desk at 817-735-2465 during service hours.

Send an e-mail message to to request a renewal. Please be specific as to which materials you would like to renew and allow 24 hours for a response.

Stop by the Service Desk with your UNTHSC ID badge or Lewis Library card. You do not need to bring the materials with you in order to renew them.

15. How can I use the campus wireless network to access the Internet?

Wireless access to the Internet is provided throughout the Library. UNTHSC patrons normally can just launch an Internet browser, then log in with their HSC Network Account user name and password.  Visitors must request a guest user name and password at the Service Desk.  A photo ID and a signature are required.

16. How do I get the articles I requested through Document Delivery/Interlibrary Loan service?

Log into your Document Delivery/Interlibrary Loan account. From the Main Menu, click the "Articles Received" link under "View Requests." Items that you have waiting to be viewed or downloaded will be listed there.

17. How do I know if my computer can receive articles delivered electronically through the Document Delivery/Interlibrary Loan system?

In order to view, download, and print your articles, you will need the free Adobe Acrobat Reader installed and configured to work with your Web browser.  Acrobat Reader is available at

18. How do I put things on reserve in the library?

Submit a Reserve Request form, which is available at the Service Desk and on the Library's website. Requests must come from a faculty member or a UNTHSC department.

19. How do I reserve a meeting room in the Library?

Call the Room Scheduling office at 817-735-2556 or submit a request online at (available only on the UNTHSC network).  Only the large group study rooms can be reserved; the rest are available on a first-come, first-served basis to UNTHSC students, faculty, and staff members.

20. How long can I borrow materials through Interlibrary Loan?

It depends on who lends the material; the loan length is determined by the lending institution.  Generally, you can expect a minimum two-week loan period.  Some institutions allow renewals, others do not.  Please contact the Document Delivery/Interlibrary Loan office for more information.

21. How long can I use reserve items?

Usually, reserves check out for two hours. Instructors designate the loan period for course reserves: two hours, four hours, 24 hours, or three days. All two-hour and four-hour items must be used in the library. No time limits are enforced on electronic reserves, but please be courteous when linking to one of the Library's subscription databases. The number of UNTHSC patrons who can access them at one time is limited in some cases, so it's best to download a copy of assigned readings and close the database.

22. How much are the fees for Document Delivery and Interlibrary Loan?

Fees vary according to patron group.  Please see the Fees for Services page for details.

23. How much can I copy for reserves?

A single article from a given periodical issue, or one chapter from a book. These limits are based on the Model Policy of the American Library Association and national guidelines such as the 1996 Conference on Educational and Library Fair Use (CONFU). Please contact the Library before making copies; we may be able to provide a link to licensed materials, or have other solutions to save you time and effort. In no case can a copy of an entire in-copyright work be used for reserve without permission from the copyright owner; this includes images and computer files. Before copying, check to see if the Library owns the work or has purchased electronic access to it; if so, there is no need to make a copy and the restrictions can be avoided.

24. If I request multiple items through Document Deliver/Interlibrary Loan, how do I know which requests will be electronically delivered and which ones will not?

You will receive an e-mail notification for each item received. That e-mail message will include information about the delivery method.

25. If Lewis Library does not have a particular book or journal, does that mean I have no hope of getting it?

No.  Most of the time, we can obtain a copy from another library through Interlibrary Loan.  We can also help you check the holdings of other area libraries to see if they have it.

26. Is there a limit on how many items I can have checked out at one time?

Yes; students, faculty, and staff members can check out up to 50 items.  Other patrons are limited to 5, 10, or 25 items depending on category.  All patrons are limited to 4 reserve items and 5 test preparation books at one time.  See the Borrowing Policies for more information.

27. May I use one of the Library's computers?

UNTHSC students, faculty, and staff members may use the computer lab on Level 2 (Room 225) when it is not reserved for a class.  The computers outside of Room 225 are available to UNTHSC patrons at all times; please keep your ID badge visible to Library staff members. Visitors can sign up at the Service Desk for a two-hour session on one of the designated Health Information Station computers. The labs on Level 4 (Rooms 400 and 410) are dedicated training facilities and are not open for general use.

28. What are “reserves”?

Reserves are materials chosen by an instructor to supplement their courses. Reserves can be physical materials or electronic content. Physical items are given reserve status to ensure that all members of the class can use them within a limited period of time. Some reserves are high-use or theft-prone materials and are given reserve status by the library staff.

29. What do I need to check out an item?

Present your UNTHSC ID card (faculty, students, staff) or your Lewis Library card (other patrons) to check out items.  Lewis Library cardholders must also present a photo ID.  Initially, TexShare borrowers must present both a valid TexShare card and a photo ID to establish an account.

30. What help is available for the Anatomage Anatomy Dissection Table?

Demonstration videos are available from the Floor Plans page.  If you think the Anatomage is malfunctioning, contact the Computer Helpdesk (LIB-205, 817-735-2192,

31. What if I forgot my password for Document Delivery/Interlibrary Loan?

Click the "Forgot Password?" link and enter your user name.  A password reset e-mail will be sent to your e-mail address on file. Check your e-mail, open the message, and click the link to continue.

32. What is the fine for overdue items?

For regular circulating items, 50 cents per day.  This increases to $1 per day for overdue items that have been recalled.  Fines for reserve materials are $1 per hour, and fines for Test Preparation books are $5 per day.  See the Borrowing Policies for more information.

33. What’s the big deal about copyright?

Copyright gives authors and other creators certain rights under federal law. There are some exemptions for libraries and for educational uses, but the University must operate within their boundaries or pay the copyright holders to use their work. Copyright law controls the use of copies for reserves, as well as copies that Library staff members make to fulfill document delivery or interlibrary loan requests. Originals, whether owned by the Library or by the instructor, can circulate freely. Increasingly, though, information resources are provided electronically. Our use of them is typically controlled not by copyright law, but by our license agreements with individual publishers and content aggregators. The Library has the responsibility to monitor and to abide by these legal agreements.   We are happy to help you make the best decisions regarding copyright, and can assist you in obtaining rights to use materials.

34. Where are the reserves?

Print materials and media are located at the Service Desk on the main floor of the library.

Electronic content is accessed through the Library’s home page. To find reserve materials, select the “Get Course Reserves” link from the left-side Express Lane.  On the main Course Reserves page, select “Course Reserve Lists” to look up the reserve list for your course. From the reserve list, you can link to the record for each item to check its location and status, or to access electronic content. Some instructors may provide a direct link to their course reserve lists from Blackboard.

35. Where can I get more information about course reserves?

The Guide to Reserve Materials is available on the Library website; it contains links to other resources. Questions can be addressed to, or to one of the following staff members:

36. Where do I check out library materials?

All circulating materials check out from the Service Desk on Level 2.

37. Where is the IR Computer Helpdesk, and what are its hours?

The Helpdesk is located on the main floor of the library (Level 2) in Rooms 202 and 219.  The full-service hours are Monday - Friday, 8:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M.  Additionally, computer help is available for students until 10:00 p.m., Sunday through Thursday.  For more information, go to

38. Whom should I contact if I have problems with, or questions about, my Document Delivery or Interlibrary Loan requests?

Please contact the Document Delivery/Interlibrary Loan Office by phone at 817-735-2464, or by e-mail at

39. Why do I have to register to request Document Delivery or Interlibrary Loan service?

Our web-based request system expedites processing of your requests and helps us to provide you with the highest level of service. You will be prompted only once to create an account for requesting and receiving articles and other materials. After that, you will be able to place requests quickly and easily from selected databases, track the progress of your current requests, download recent articles received, and review your entire request history.

40. Why doesn’t the library have one of my required readings on reserve?

The two most common explanations are that a reserve request for the item has not been received from the instructor, or that the item is on order. When a reserve request is received from a faculty member or department, several processing steps must occur in order to make the item available. Our guidelines call for three days working time during the semester and one week at the beginning of the semester to process the reserve request. If a requested item is not owned by the library, up to six weeks is needed to order, receive, and process the material. If you think something should be on reserve but isn’t, the library staff will be happy to check its status. If it has not been requested, please follow up with your instructor.

41. Why don’t I see all of my older requests when I look at my request history in the Document Deliver/Interlibrary Loan system?

We occasionally purge older records from the system.

42. Will I be charged for returning reserve items late?

Yes, overdue fines accrue at the rate of $1 per hour from the time the item becomes overdue and each following hour until the item is checked in.

43. Will you make a copy for me?

Yes, the library offers document delivery of photocopies and digital images made from our collections.  Submit your requests using one of the two forms for this purpose on the Forms page. For fees, limitations, and other information, see the Document Delivery page.
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