Chalk and Talk

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This monthly series of informal seminars/socials is designed to convey information about funding and collaborative research opportunities.  Topics range from overviews of the research focus of a department, to announcements of upcoming requests for proposals, to tips on application preparation and submission.  Refreshments are provided. 

Schedule for 2012-2013

October 23, 2012      OppMetrix: A New Resource to Identify Funding Opportunities
November 27, 2012   Current Trends and Opportunities in Research
January 8, 2013        TxMRC: Technology Driven Seed Grant Funding: The Inside Story

Click here for a list of 2012 Chalk and Talk events.
Click here for a list of 2011 Chalk and Talk events.
Click here for a list of 2009-2010 Chalk and Talk events.

This page last updated 25th Mar 2013