Research Appreciation Day
Welcome Keynote Speaker Agenda Maps Abstracts Vendors Judges Winners

Information on Poster Presentation Judging for TCOM & GSBS

Each judge will receive approximately six predoctoral poster abstracts to review prior to the event. Two judges will be assigned to each poster.  In addition, one pair of judges will be assigned to evaluate posters submitted by postdoctoral research fellows and residents. It is recommended that judges walk through the entire poster exhibit to get an overview of all the research projects. Each pair of judges then concentrates on the abstracts assigned specifically to them. Both judges will interview their assigned presenters together and agree upon a single assessment. Each pair of judges will select one research project that merits further consideration for an award. All poster judges will reconvene in the judges' quarters to discuss their selections.  All student poster judges will then return to the exhibits and review the top ten posters. Judges will reassemble in judges' quarters to discuss and determine the final ranking (one through five). The top five presentations will be announced at the award ceremony. There will be no ties.

Judges will complete a written assessment of each poster presentation. Each student competitor will receive his/her assessment after the award ceremony at the end of the day.
Judges will address the following criteria when judging poster presentations: