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Office of Grant and Contract Management

Cayuse... is a web-based system for grant proposal preparation and submission. 

With Cayuse:

·         Eliminate or minimize redundant data entry and manual tasks

·         Store key data in your personal profile for auto-fill of routine fields and easy reuse

·         Upload and store multiple biosketches

·         Create detailed, modular, and sub-award budgets

·         Import budgets and merge sub-proposals

·         Validate, track, and resolve errors with built-in real-time error checking and agency validations

·         Download funding opportunities directly from Grants.gov

·         Submit proposals directly system-to-system to Grants.gov

·         Sign-on using your UNTHSC EUID and password

For your own Cayuse profile and login, please contact Niki Clarke in Grant & Contract Management.

To access Cayuse we recommend installing and using the Click Here to Download and Install the Mozilla Firefox web browser. Mozilla Firefox web browser.

Open this web page with Firefox and click this link: CAYUSE-LOGIN

…or for directions on creating a Cayuse bookmark in your Firefox web browser click here.

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This page last updated Sep 27, 2011
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