Institutional Compliance Office

"Compliance at the health science center is a matter of fairness, honesty, responsibility, ethical behavior and good stewardship. Adherence to compliance is an opportunity for each health science center employee to make a meaningful contribution to the ongoing success of the institution."

  • The Compliance Program at UNT Health Science Center insures that all personnel conduct their business, research, educational and service activities with complete adherence to all statutory requirements and at the highest levels of ethical behavior.

  • The Program is designed to enhance employee, student, business associate and patient/client awareness of the expectation of ethical behavior, and to facilitate the reporting of suspected breaches of conduct and/or noncompliance.

  • This site is to help members of the UNT Health Science Center community familiarize themselves with policy and procedures relevant to ethical conduct of the activities at the health science center. It also provides specific guidelines for reporting a suspected compliance violation.

The Institutional Compliance Office is located in EAD 824

 How may we assist you with compliance matters?


Students, employees, patients and others may report a compliance violation in the following ways:

  • Report to your Supervisor
  • Call the Ethics Hotline (877) 606-9187
  • Report to Division Compliance Officers
  • Report to Institutional Compliance Office (817)735-2029
  • U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, OIG

Reporting compliance violations is strongly encouraged, and it is the Health Science Center's policy to immediately establish an inquiry and follow up each report to its conclusion. The inquiry process is conducted according to a standardized Report and Response Protocol.

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This page last updated 25th Apr 2013