Jazz Trombone Ensemble (The U-Tubes)

The U-Tubes is a group at UNT consisting of 6 tenors and 2 bass trombones with full rhythm section.
The ensemble performs new arrangements and original compositions by UNT students and faculty as well as selections from the classic trombone-band literature. MULB 1808

Info For Those Interested in Writing for The U-Tubes:

6 tenor trombones (lead line can go up to a D 8VA above middle C, and the occasional high F)
2 bass trombones (can write down to a pedal F)
piano, bass, drums, guitar

Think modern, different, swingin 1:00 Lab Band sounds.
Use 1:00 recordings for inspiration and ideas. You can arrange
a standard, jazz standard, or compose an original. Here are some other great writers to check out for direction:

Slide Hampton
Thad Jones
Bob Brookmeyer
Walt Weiskopf
David Hazeltine
Bob Mintzer
Maria Schneider
etc, etc.

Groups to listen to for trombone-band style and possibilities:

New York Trombone Conspiracy
CD: "A Matter of Time"

Them Bones
CD: "You Asked For It: Them Bones"

Slide Hampton's World of Trombones
"Spirit of the Horn"
"World of Trombones"

The Capitol Bones
CD: "Epistrophy"

"Cream of the Crop" Bobby Knight's Great American Trombone Company
(All other charts for trombone ranges and textures)

Send submissions (pdfs) and questions to Steve Wiest at

Site last updated on April 25th 2013