
The UNT College of Business Alumni help build and support a global community by providing experiences for students, industry insight, networking receptions, and real-world opportunities to promote the culture of business leadership.  While we greatly value philanthropic investments in our programs, we also highly value your insight and business acumen in teaching our students how to become the business leaders of tomorrow through hands-on experiences. You can volunteer your insight and time through a number of opportunities.

Host an Alumni Reception
At the UNT College of Business we are always looking to engage alumni and friends across the world. Receptions allow the college to build stronger connections with alumni and update alumni about current programs. We encourage you to sponsor an alumni event or gathering in your area. Please contact us at least 2 months before your proposed event date so that we can help you organize and market the event. Submit your proposals at CoBEvents@unt.edu or contact us through our feedback page.  

Sponsor Student Internships
One of the best ways to help a UNT College of Business student is to set up an internship within your business if possible, or work within your company to secure internship allocations. Internships go far beyond covering today’s financial needs.  They allow a student to differentiate themselves from other students at other universities, and provide immediate opportunities for companies to evaluate the student as a future asset. The college is moving towards requiring all students to have completed internships upon graduation, and your support will help us achieve this goal.

Take Flight Program
Take Flight has been designed to assist students in their career exploration and development by matching them with hosts working in a career field of interest. Students that participate in Take Flight will be able to determine how this experience fits in with their career development plan, clarifies their career aspirations, and develop a better understanding of all aspects of the industry.

Participate in the Career Fair and Industry Day
Every year the UNT College of Business sponsors a career fair during the fall and spring semesters. Over 130 businesses currently participate creating tremendous opportunities for our talented students. The college also partners with the UNT Career Center to hold Industry days where corporations can come to campus and meet, advise, and interview our students. Go to our career page to learn more.

Speak to Students
Guest Lecturers add to the value of classroom instruction. It offers students first-hand information about the complexities of the business world, while inspiring them to seek new ways to meet the challenges of tomorrow. Speakers share their views about successful management styles, possible career paths, critical industry-related issues, and qualities conducive to successful business leadership. These lectures seek to enhance the educational experience of students in the College of Business while showcasing programs, faculty, and students to the international business community.

Become a Mentor
The Professional Leadership Program  Executive Mentoring Program partners PLP students with top executives for real business experiences through participating in business transactions, meetings, negotiations, strategic planning sessions, and networking opportunities. Volunteering to be a mentor allows mentors to create opportunities for students beyond the classroom through a partnership of applied experiences and interaction. Mentees are appropriately matched with mentors who have the same goals and expectations of the relationship; and who have similar career aspirations.