Frequently Asked Questions

Databases & More

  1. Do we have the ASME Journals? How do I access them?

    ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) products are available to anyone, including the general public, by using a computer on the UNT campus. Currently-enrolled UNT students, faculty and staff can access ASME products off campus with a UNT EUID and password. (See Tips and Tricks for Using UNT Library Electronic Resources)

    To access ASME products from the Libraries home page:

    The ASME Digital Library has direct access to ASME Transaction Jounrals. 

    If for some reason you are not able to access a specific journal within the database or need additional help locating journal articles, please contact Randy Wallace directly at 940-565-2689 or by email.

    The Discovery Park Library also has the ASME Journals in print. To locate a specific journal, do a journal title search in the UNT Library Catalog.

  2. How can I get a thesis/dissertation from another university?

    By searching the Proquest Dissertations and Theses Database (PQDT) in the Libraries' Electronic Resources you will have access to full-text of over one million theses and dissertations. If PQDT does not have the item you need, please enter an Interlibrary Loan request.

    Direct access is available through the ProQuest website. 

  3. How to I find information in a Subscription Database?

    That's a big question.

    1. If you are okay exploring on your own, use the +FIND tab above, to use the Search Tools.  Under "Databases and More" either search for a generic term or subject, or use the tools to select and browse through our large selection of subscription services.
    2. If you are specifically looking for journal articles, use the "Online Articles" search.  You'll get tons of results.
    3. If you are completely overwhelmed and don't know where to start. Use our Ask Us Service, or maybe explore some of our database tutorials.
  4. May I use LexisNexis? How do I access it?

    LexisNexis products are available to anyone, including the general public, using any computer on the UNT campus. Currently enrolled UNT students and UNT faculty and staff can access LexisNexis products off campus with a UNT EUID and password. [See On & Off Campus Access to Databases & More]

    To access LexisNexis products from the Libraries home page or the +Find Tab, above.

    1. Select the "Databases and More" tab from the Search Tools Box

    2. Select L for Lexis, then scroll down and select the LexisNexis product of your choice.

    Direct access is available through the LexisNexis homepage. 

    Some products that were formerly owned by LexisNexis have been acquired by ProQuest. The following products are available at UNT:

  5. What databases and online tools are best for research in my subject?

    Try browsing through our subject guides.  These guides are written by librarians whose focus is on serving the needs of various academic units at UNT. To find a guide you can:

    • Browse the Subject Guides Site, itself
    • Click on the +FIND tab at the top of this page and on the search box, choose the subject guides tab.  Now, either search or use the dropdown menu to filter guides to your area of interest.

    Alternative: If you want really fast access to a wide variety of sources, use the Article Search tab in the +FIND Tab, do a search on your interest area, and use the facets in the results to further limit (or expand) your query to include/exclude various subjects and material types.  If your search is broad enough, the system will suggest specialized databases.