Strategic & Translational Research Initiatives

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The mission of the Office of Strategic & Translational Research Initiatives (OSTRI) is to advance the UNT Health Science Center research enterprise through the development and support of general research, as well as multi-, inter-, and trans-disciplinary research teams, research funding, training and infrastructure development.


  In an effort to support our mission, the Office of Strategic & Translational Research Initiatives provides the 

  following programs and opportunities for the UNTHSC community:

Research Resources: OSTRI develops and posts templates to our webpage, such as the Resource Page and Responsible Conduct of Research, designed to be used by UNTHSC faculty in NIH and other applications.

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Information Sheet

OppMatch User's Guide

Training Opportunities: OSTRI provides faculty training.  The goal of the R03 – R21 workshop is to provide hands-on grant writing and submission training for 6 to 10 junior faculty members from the GSBS, TCOM, SPH and SHP.  The workshop is designed to result in a R03/R21 developed under the guidance of a scientific faculty mentor and peer reviewed internally prior to NIH submission by a UNTHSC faculty member from our Peer Reader Program.

Research Appreciation Day (RAD): OSTRI is responsible for the coordination of RAD each year.  RAD 2012 was a great success, with 1,300 in attendance, 250 poster and oral presentations and more than $14,000 in research awards.  Plan to join us for the 21st Annual RAD on April 12, 2013.

Chalk and Talk: OSTRI coordinates this monthly series of informal seminars/socials which is designed to convey information about funding and collaborative research opportunities.  Topics range from overviews of the research focus of a department, to announcements of upcoming requests for proposals, to tips on application preparation and submission.  Refreshments are provided.

Peer Reader Program: OSTRI coordinates the provision of feedback to principal investigators prior to grant submission in order to improve the quality of grant applications submitted by UNTHSC faculty.


Funding Opportunities: OSTRI posts highlights of the latest external funding announcements, as well as, intramural opportunities like the NEW Junior Faculty Seed Grant Program to our webpage and the Daily News.  OSTRI assists faculty in funding searches.

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This page last updated 23rd Apr 2013