The rapid change of technology, rapid changes at UNT Dallas, and the youth of our institutions creates a amazing opportunity and some unique challenges.  We have the opportunity to make innovative decisions because we are not steeped in tradition.  However, we also have limited funding and our still creating the structures to sustain us.  That being said, our office is here to help pilot innovative instructional technology solutions.  For example,

  • We purchased 10 iPads for short-term checkout for Faculty. We are exploring classroom usage for group projects as well as instruction like interactive white boards
  • We are purchasing licenses to a software training library ( for two courses. We are investigating these courses impact on our student's experience and technology-skills.
  • We purchased 8 licenses to a software training library ( for the library and our office to use when we help students. We can assign these licenses to students for a defined amount of time.


Updated Saturday, March 16, 2013 - 5:55pm 1188-4