Duncan ready to begin enforcement role

Jonathan Duncan, the NCAA’s interim vice president of enforcement, has spent a decade and a half immersed in sports and education law, often working closely with the NCAA itself.

Birmingham seeks to be Festival host
with the most

When last-minute issues made a change of sites necessary for the Division II Winter National Championships Festival, the city of Birmingham saw opportunity rather than problems.

Exec Committee supports reform,
endorses President Emmert

The NCAA Executive Committee continues to support the association’s broad-based reform agenda. This reform agenda must include meaningful change in the regulatory process beyond the changes in enforcement that have already been enacted.

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Track student-athlete helps build schools in Uganda
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Division I // Atlantic 10

Student-athletes shatter commissioner's honor roll record (via Atlantic10.com)

Division I // Mercer University

Basketball student-athlete honored for off-court contributions (via macon.com)

Division III // Luther College

Touching look at the life of former cross country champion (via espnw.com)