Grandparents University 2011 Photos

courtesy of Gemma Gosuico

Over 100 grandparents and grandchildren gathered together to participate in various summer classes and activities at Grandparents University.

Dr. Diana Mason selects volunteers from a pool of Grandparents University students eager to take part in the opening chemistry show.

 Tim, a doctoral student at the University of North Texas, demonstrates the science behind sparking rocks.

A Grandparents University student in a hands-on experiment.

A Grandparents University experiment demonstrated by three Grandparents University students.

Both grandparents and grandchildren take part in the Grandparents University activities, one of which includes a chemistry show demonstration.

Fourteen grandparents and students enrolled for the first day of Astronomy class at Grandparents University.

Grandparents University student, Garrett Costa, answers a question on the difference between meteors and meteorites.

Becky Nix and grandson Hunter create a comet from a recipe during Grandparents University's Astronomy class.

A group of Grandparents University students examine the comets they made during Astronomy Class.

Instructor Susan Whitfield explains how to transform a balloon animal into a puppet to a group of Grandparents University students.

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